Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Never Give Up, And Never Surrender

My 2011 Personal Workout Journey So Far

Total Miles Walked - 828//
Weight Reps - 42,720 (5lb weights, 10-15lb kettle bells, curl bar, 6 or 8lb medicine ball)//
Sit ups, crunches - 11,300//
Push ups - 4650 (added 21 February)//
Butt Lifts - 6400 (newly added 25 March)

Fifty push ups, one hundred sit ups, one hundred butt lifts, and three hundred weight repetitions. No problem. My foot is feeling better today, though I am still unable to manage an incline on the treadmill. I felt some pain initially in my right hip which makes me believe I'm still favoring one side over the other. I'm used to a little pain. A little pain, I can handle. I always say "pain is just a pothole in the road". You can't go through it. You have to go around it. Don't just stop. Slow down, focus, and breathe. Trust me. It works. My hip pain went away after the first mile of my walk. I did five miles today. And this morning, I was up to my normal pace. I am 172 miles from my personal goal for the year and its only August. No, I am in no rush. I walk when I feel like walking. My body will tell me if and when I'm pushing too hard and if need be, I'll slow down. I can always change my work out. I can even take days off if I wish. The important thing is that I do something positive everyday even if its something small.
Listen, I am here to tell you no one ever got healthy and fit sitting on the couch whining about their issues. I know. There is no magic pill to make things better. Life is not about should have, could have, or would have. Its about what you do from now on and you have to work for it. But, with a little time and effort, you can reach your goals. You may have a few potholes to go around (like a bad back, bad knees, screwed up feet). You may even have a few craters. There are always things you can do to improve your life.
Learn from that time you spent on the couch and take your inspiration from the movies...

“I’ve got to reach for the best that’s in me.” ~ The Natural (1984) Robert Redford

"Adapt, Improvise, and Overcome" ~Heartbreak Ridge (1986) Clint Eastwood.

"Never give up and never surrender" ~ "Galaxy Quest" (1999), Tim Allen and Sigourney Weaver.

Personally, I try to remember to tell myself, "The only person standing in your way is you" ~ Black Swan (2010) Natalie Portman.

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