Tuesday, July 19, 2011


   I got up and made chocolate chip and whole grain blueberry muffins for our family this morning.  Our family has grown (yesterday, our two college kids came home).  We stayed up pretty late last night, but my sister in law and I still managed to get up and go for a 4.5 mile walk in the neighborhood (after coffee of course).  Then I went down and knocked out fifty push ups.  I'm not sure what we are doing today, but I'm pretty sure I won't have time to sit down and blog.  That's why the quickie.  I am a busy busy lady.  Right now, I am desperately in need of a shower (its humid outside) and a protein drink.  I'll catch up when I can.  Remember, make good choices today.  I know I will.  Well...I will try.  : )

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