Confucius said, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." I decided to stop making excuses. I stopped saying "I can't". I can and I did. In 2011, I have now walked more than one thousand miles. In an effort to help others as well as myself, I donated a thousand dollars to "Homes For Our Troops". But, I'm not done. I'm still walking. Won't you join me on my journey? Together, we can eat healthier, exercise more, and maybe give just a bit of ourselves to those less fortunate.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
A Day At Busch Gardens, Williamsburg
We spent the night in Williamsburg. The morning began with breakfast at Mama Steve's Pancake house. I had the multi grain pancakes with my usual decaf coffee. You would not believe the number of pancake houses there are in Williamsburg. We must have passed a dozen.
We were at the park soon after it opened. It was raining off and on but no one cared. We were there to spend time with friends, ride roller coasters, and visit Europe. Well, as close as we could get while still in Virginia. We had lunch at the German Festhaus. There weren't a lot of healthy choices, but I had the carved turkey sandwich (wheat bread). It was way too big. I just took out the turkey and ate it. I probably didn't drink enough water today, but I did manage to walk nearly seven miles. Combined with Saturday's walking, I did 7.6 miles total.
It was pretty late when we left the park. We never had dinner, and the traffic was murder. But what the heck. We had a great time, and my husband got us home in time for me to watch the newest episode of "True blood". You know what? Life is good.
Well, its been a long day. I'll keep this one short. Tomorrow, I get back on track. Would you believe I am excited to get back in the gym for a serious workout? Then again, maybe I'll do something different seeing as tomorrow is such a big day. Tomorrow, I should go over 800 miles.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Dinner with the Family
Tonight, we had dinner at a local Williamsburg steak and seafood place called the Chophouse. We knew right away that we were gonna like it. The waiter reminded us of someone dear to us. He went through the menu quickly, which was understandable because he had been working at the restaurant for over twenty years. We couldn't help but laugh when he dribbled red wine on the table, then later, left a stream of ranch dressing splattered across the floor on the way to the table. The whole time we were sitting there, the AC unit was dripping water on us. Despite all this, the food was incredible. I had crab stuffed trout with a side of broccoli, and I shared a baklava with my husband.
As we walked out the door to leave, we realized we had forgotten to use the 10% off coupon the hotel had given us. It didn't really matter though, since we had a great time. I would recommend this place to anyone looking for good food and atmosphere.
As we walked out the door to leave, we realized we had forgotten to use the 10% off coupon the hotel had given us. It didn't really matter though, since we had a great time. I would recommend this place to anyone looking for good food and atmosphere.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Don't Stop Believing
This morning, I hopped on the treadmill for my five miles. It was getting hotter and hotter outside and I didn't want to take an unnecessary risk. Besides, Journey was playing in the Today Show's summer concert series. I listened to Journey a lot when I was stationed in Germany back in the eighties. One might say Steve Perry got me through some pretty rough times. Anyway, I was looking forward to hearing the old tunes again. Journey is one of the those bands that has lived on despite time. My youngest loves their music as much as I do. When we hear it on the radio in the car, you'll find us both singing along. They have a new lead singer now. He's not bad, but I can hear the difference and well...I will always miss Steve Perry. This morning, I was able to do a pretty steep incline. I just closed my eyes and sang along, "Don't stop believing..."
After my workout (walk, 50 push ups, 400 assorted light weight reps, 100 sit ups, and yes...100 butt lifts), I drove over to the local Marine base with our eldest boy. I needed to visit the tour and travel office. We needed tickets for something we are planning to do in the next few days (more to follow at a later date). We try to keep the kids busy during the summer. Vacations are pretty rare and to me quality time is like working out. It all counts. You can buy a kid tons of stuff, but its the memories of time together they will cherish forever.
While we were at the Marine base, our eldest got a real military haircut. He looks very sharp and is sure to make a good impression at his ROTC unit. He will need another haircut before school. Its a month away.
While he was in with the barber, I went over to the clothes section of the MCX (Marine Corps Exchange). At first I thought I was in the Misses area, but I later discovered I was in Junior's. Still, I was killing time so, I tried on a pair of shorts that caught my eye. I grabbed two sizes. With all the vanity sizing nowadays, I never know what will fit. Let's just say, I was pleasantly surprised. It was turning into a beautiful day, despite the heat.
Last night wasn't so beautiful. My husband was on another work trip. The toilet he had fixed before he left broke again. I tried to fix it, but I ended up with this nasty black dye-like stuff all in my fingernails. It took me half a dozen washes to get it all off. I never did get that toilet fixed. All night long, I stressed about how I was going to remember not to use that particular potty in the middle of the night when I was half awake. I ended up just taking the lid off the back of the tank. It could wait until my husband got home. I knew he'd figure it out. I need to read up on plumber stuff I guess.
When we got home, we decided to escape the heat. We went and saw a movie, "Cowboys and Aliens." I liked it. I was in the mood for some action and adventure. Nothing like a good western with killer aliens abducting the locals, right? I was good. I had one of those $7.00 "Snack Healthy" packs with the granola bar, Corn Poppers, fruit snacks, and bottled water. I don't really like the dried fruit, but the price is right and I never can finish the box. "Super 8" is still my favorite movie so far this year.
Well, we are home now and I guess I need to figure out what's for dinner before they start asking. Someday, they'll all come up to me and say, "Hey, lets eat healthy tonight and oh, by the way, can we help make dinner?"
Don't stop believing, right?
Thursday, July 28, 2011
How Do You Want To Be Remembered?
My Stepdaughter and I were watching a show on television last night about a horrible accident where eight people died. I never worry about death. The way I see it, its part of life. One can only hope that when its time to go, you can look back and simply say "I have lived a good full life and I leave my children prepared to do the same."
There will be tears. I cried when my father died. He led a good full life and he prepared his children to do the same. But I cried because, despite this, I knew I would miss him dearly. He's been gone for many years now, but to me he is still here in spirit because I remember. I keep him alive in the stories I tell of his life. If the kids tell stories, it kind of makes him immortal.
My Grandmother died when I was in college just after this photo was taken. They used this photo taken at my commissioning in 1988 to prep her for the funeral. That didn't bother me as much as the fact that some of my relatives took photos of her in her casket. I wanted to remember her as alive and fussing at me for the length of my shorts or the fact that she hadn't seen me in church lately. I didn't want to look at photos and remember her as laying still in a casket.
This all got me thinking, how do I wish to be remembered?
Will I be remembered as the somewhat nerdy girl who spent her high school years trying to lose herself in drama, art, and chorus (or was I trying to find myself)?
Will stories be told of my Army days, of the time I led my soldiers into Kuwait City to set up communications in spite of my leadership? They didn't think I should because I was female.
Will stories be told of my journey to one thousand miles and beyond and my hope to inspire others to get healthy in spite of age, injury or illness?
Will it be noted that I was a soldier, an Army Spouse, a military mom, a Step mom, a disabled veteran, a former member of the Le Leche League, a Facebook follower, a blogger, a writer? What will be remembered? What will be forgotten?
How will I be remembered? Will I be remembered? And really, what does it matter to me? After all, when the time comes, I'll be gone. I'll be off on new adventures. You know what? I hope my girls raid my closet for the good stuff...and it all fits. :)
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
The DITY Workout
In the military, you move frequently. My husband and I would always do small DITY (Do it yourself) moves in addition to the having professionals move the big stuff. We would rent a mid size towable U haul and move items we needed right away. Why? Well, because of Murphy's Law of course. "Anything that can happen will".
Anyway, this morning I found myself short on time for a good workout. Our youngest does volunteer work and I am currently assigned as his on call driver. I had to cut the regular morning workout short. So, as soon as my husband was out the door on his way to work, I headed downstairs. I ended up getting just four miles on the treadmill, but I did do extra push ups. Push ups are something I can do rather quickly. After that, I still had time for four hundred varied small weight repetitions. Yes, I did say four hundred. Like push ups, small weight reps don't take a lot of time. I worked out hard, yet I still had time for a shower and a protein drink before I had to change into my mom hat (or chauffeur hat).
The bottom line of course is...I made it work for me. It would have been very easy to just skip my work out today, but what good would that have done me? Even with work outs, you need a plan that fits your schedule, your interests, and your particular needs. And you have to be prepared to adapt to the changes life brings on. Working out is a very personal individual thing. To be successful, think DITY...and "do it yourself". But be careful. If you really want results, you cannot cheat yourself.
Murphy's Laws of Combat
(If you get it, you've probably been affiliated with the military at some point in your life)
If the enemy is in range, so are you.
Incoming fire has the right of way.
Don't look conspicuous, it draws fire.
There is always a way, and it usually doesn't work.
The problem with the easy way out is that it has already been mined.
Try to look unimportant, they may be low on ammo.
Professionals are predictable, it's the amateurs that are dangerous.
The enemy invariably attacks on two occasions:
when you're ready for them.
when you're not ready for them.
Teamwork is essential, it gives them someone else to shoot at.
If you can't remember, then the claymore IS pointed at you.
The enemy diversion you have been ignoring will be the main attack.
A "sucking chest wound" is nature's way of telling you to slow down.
If your attack is going well, then it's an ambush.
Never draw fire, it irritates everyone around you.
Anything you do can get you shot, including nothing.
If you build yourself a bunker that's tough for the enemy to get into quickly, then you won't be able to get out of it quickly either.
Never share a foxhole with anyone braver than yourself.
If you're short of everything but the enemy, you're in a combat zone.
When you've secured the area, don't forget to tell the enemy.
Never forget that your weapon is made by the lowest bidder.
Friendly fire isn't.
If the sergeant can see you, so can the enemy.
Never stand when you can sit, never sit when you can lie down, never stay awake when you can sleep.
The most dangerous thing in the world is a second lieutenant with a map and a compass.
There is no such thing as an atheist in a foxhole.
A grenade with a seven second fuse will always burn down in four seconds.
Remember, a retreating enemy is probably just falling back and regrouping.
If at first you don't succeed call in an air-strike.
Exceptions prove the rule, and destroy the battle plan.
Everything always works in your HQ, everything always fails in the colonel's HQ.
The enemy never watches until you make a mistake.
One enemy soldier is never enough, but two is entirely too many.
A clean (and dry) set of BDU's is a magnet for mud and rain.
Whenever you have plenty of ammo, you never miss. Whenever you are low on ammo, you can't hit the broad side of a barn.
The more a weapon costs, the farther you will have to send it away to be repaired.
Field experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.
Interchangeable parts aren't.
No matter which way you have to march, its always uphill.
If enough data is collected, a board of inquiry can prove ANYTHING.
For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism. (in boot camp)
The one item you need is always in short supply.
The worse the weather, the more you are required to be out in it.
The complexity of a weapon is inversely proportional to the IQ of the weapon's operator.
Airstrikes always overshoot the target, artillery always falls short.
When reviewing the radio frequencies that you just wrote down, the most important ones are always illegible.
Those who hesitate under fire usually do not end up KIA or WIA.
The tough part about being an officer is that the troops don't know what they want, but they know for certain what they DON'T want.
To steal information from a person is called plagiarism. To steal information from the enemy is called gathering intelligence.
The weapon that usually jams when you need it the most is the M60.
The perfect officer for the job will transfer in the day after that billet is filled by someone else.
When you have sufficient supplies & ammo, the enemy takes 2 weeks to attack. When you are low on supplies & ammo the enemy decides to attack that night.
The newest and least experienced soldier will usually win the Congressional Medal Of Honor.
A Purple Heart just goes to prove that were you smart enough to think of a plan, stupid enough to try it, and lucky enough to survive.
Murphy was a grunt.
Anyway, this morning I found myself short on time for a good workout. Our youngest does volunteer work and I am currently assigned as his on call driver. I had to cut the regular morning workout short. So, as soon as my husband was out the door on his way to work, I headed downstairs. I ended up getting just four miles on the treadmill, but I did do extra push ups. Push ups are something I can do rather quickly. After that, I still had time for four hundred varied small weight repetitions. Yes, I did say four hundred. Like push ups, small weight reps don't take a lot of time. I worked out hard, yet I still had time for a shower and a protein drink before I had to change into my mom hat (or chauffeur hat).
The bottom line of course is...I made it work for me. It would have been very easy to just skip my work out today, but what good would that have done me? Even with work outs, you need a plan that fits your schedule, your interests, and your particular needs. And you have to be prepared to adapt to the changes life brings on. Working out is a very personal individual thing. To be successful, think DITY...and "do it yourself". But be careful. If you really want results, you cannot cheat yourself.
Murphy's Laws of Combat
(If you get it, you've probably been affiliated with the military at some point in your life)
If the enemy is in range, so are you.
Incoming fire has the right of way.
Don't look conspicuous, it draws fire.
There is always a way, and it usually doesn't work.
The problem with the easy way out is that it has already been mined.
Try to look unimportant, they may be low on ammo.
Professionals are predictable, it's the amateurs that are dangerous.
The enemy invariably attacks on two occasions:
when you're ready for them.
when you're not ready for them.
Teamwork is essential, it gives them someone else to shoot at.
If you can't remember, then the claymore IS pointed at you.
The enemy diversion you have been ignoring will be the main attack.
A "sucking chest wound" is nature's way of telling you to slow down.
If your attack is going well, then it's an ambush.
Never draw fire, it irritates everyone around you.
Anything you do can get you shot, including nothing.
If you build yourself a bunker that's tough for the enemy to get into quickly, then you won't be able to get out of it quickly either.
Never share a foxhole with anyone braver than yourself.
If you're short of everything but the enemy, you're in a combat zone.
When you've secured the area, don't forget to tell the enemy.
Never forget that your weapon is made by the lowest bidder.
Friendly fire isn't.
If the sergeant can see you, so can the enemy.
Never stand when you can sit, never sit when you can lie down, never stay awake when you can sleep.
The most dangerous thing in the world is a second lieutenant with a map and a compass.
There is no such thing as an atheist in a foxhole.
A grenade with a seven second fuse will always burn down in four seconds.
Remember, a retreating enemy is probably just falling back and regrouping.
If at first you don't succeed call in an air-strike.
Exceptions prove the rule, and destroy the battle plan.
Everything always works in your HQ, everything always fails in the colonel's HQ.
The enemy never watches until you make a mistake.
One enemy soldier is never enough, but two is entirely too many.
A clean (and dry) set of BDU's is a magnet for mud and rain.
Whenever you have plenty of ammo, you never miss. Whenever you are low on ammo, you can't hit the broad side of a barn.
The more a weapon costs, the farther you will have to send it away to be repaired.
Field experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.
Interchangeable parts aren't.
No matter which way you have to march, its always uphill.
If enough data is collected, a board of inquiry can prove ANYTHING.
For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism. (in boot camp)
The one item you need is always in short supply.
The worse the weather, the more you are required to be out in it.
The complexity of a weapon is inversely proportional to the IQ of the weapon's operator.
Airstrikes always overshoot the target, artillery always falls short.
When reviewing the radio frequencies that you just wrote down, the most important ones are always illegible.
Those who hesitate under fire usually do not end up KIA or WIA.
The tough part about being an officer is that the troops don't know what they want, but they know for certain what they DON'T want.
To steal information from a person is called plagiarism. To steal information from the enemy is called gathering intelligence.
The weapon that usually jams when you need it the most is the M60.
The perfect officer for the job will transfer in the day after that billet is filled by someone else.
When you have sufficient supplies & ammo, the enemy takes 2 weeks to attack. When you are low on supplies & ammo the enemy decides to attack that night.
The newest and least experienced soldier will usually win the Congressional Medal Of Honor.
A Purple Heart just goes to prove that were you smart enough to think of a plan, stupid enough to try it, and lucky enough to survive.
Murphy was a grunt.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
A New Attitude
I once worked for the Army Reinvention Office. It was during the Clinton Presidency. I learned a lot during my time there and it wasn't just that converting from paper to disc was a good thing. I learned that anything can be reinvented, even people. All it takes is an attitude change and a little motivation to follow through.
Back then, I worked out and I was dedicated to the Atkins diet. Sure, it worked, but it wasn't the most healthy diet. I didn't miss the bread, but I wanted fruit and I didn't really like all the meat they wanted me eat. It wasn't long before I began adding healthier items. My "diet" slowly shifted from Atkins to more of a South Beach Diet feel.
Today, I don't consider what I do dieting. Its more of a life change. I read labels. I eat healthier foods. I make better choices. And its working for me. Yesterday, for example, I drank eight glasses of water and no soda (my rule, no soda unless its a mixer). I had one glass of decaf coffee with soy creamer and two packets of Truvia (I also like Splenda). I drank a wonderful whey protein shake (it filled two 12oz glasses) loaded with blueberries, strawberries, banana, and one spoonful of wheat germ. I had Greek yogurt with a scoop of granola. Throughout the day, I snacked on an apple, a small bag of nuts, hummus and whole wheat crackers. For dinner, while the family was eating beans and franks (another rule..I am not eating pork or beef this far so good), I made a chicken fajita with leftover chicken, peppers, avocado, and chopped tomatoes. I had leftover black beans on the side. And yes, I even had dessert. Instead of my usual sugar free Jello with whipped cream, I tried something new. I had a cup of Lemon Meringue Jello Temptations. Its sweet, low calorie, and tastes just like the pie minus the crust. Hey, I never eat the crust anyway. I am hooked. And you know what? The family loves them too. Bonus! Never ever be afraid to try new things.
This morning, I got up with my husband, had a cup of decaf coffee, then went down to work out. I did the usual 5 miles on the treadmill, 50 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 butt lifts, and 300 small weight repetitions. Later, we went to see the new "Harry Potter" movie. I added 2 more miles just walking around the mall (rule...always remember the pedometer). At the movie, I drank a bottle of water (that makes six so far today and its only 1620hrs). I remembered to bring my protein bar so I wasn't tempted with the theater snacks.
You see, I think differently than I used to and its changed how I see food. I don't eat out of boredom. I don't eat foods just because everyone is eating them. Food now has a purpose to fuel my body engine. Sure, I crave sweet. Sometimes I even crave salty. But, now I know smarter ways to eat. I am constantly searching for healthy snacks and treats. Oh, and by the way, I eat small portions frequently. I'd say I probably eat every two to three hours.
I exercise more regularly and I only do what my body says I can do. I have learned to listen to my body. I also know smarter ways to exercise, which is good when you have injuries like I do. Take a look at me. I don't look broken. Yet I am literally unable to do a deep knee bend and get back up without pain. I've had two rather painful knee surgeries. Over the years, I was bedridden and heavily medicated after repeatedly throwing my back out. I have carpal tunnel syndrome, Fybromyalgia, IBS, etc, etc, etc and that's just the physical stuff. Physical therapy, chiropractic care, even acupuncture, I tried everything. None of it worked for me. I took medication for chronic migraines that started during Desert Storm (yes, back in 1991). I took my last migraine pill earlier this year. I saw a new doctor and she weaned me off.
Then I tried yoga. It helped. I added a deep muscle massage every now and then. I started walking, eating better. I reinvented me. I never would've have guessed I could control the pain, but I am off all prescription medications now. I take vitamins.
The pain? Except for the migraines, its still there. The only difference is my new attitude. The pain that tormented me? Today, I am not defined by it. I have taken control of my life again. The military would probably call it, "Suck it up and drive on." I call it finding my strengths, my sass, my personal Hooah!. Every day, I focus on those strengths instead of that which weakens me. What are your strengths?
Monday, July 25, 2011
Oh Yeah...Momma's Got Guns Now
As of Today
Total Miles Walked- 770
Weight Reps - 38,770 (this morning, I did 350 reps of 5lb weights and 6lb "Empower" medicine ball)
Situps - 10,150
Push ups - 4000
Butt Lifts - 5500
Last night, we made tacos and fajitas. I still had a ton of laundry to do from our weekend camping trip, so the boys did the shopping. I made a very specific list. I know they tried their best, but in the end I made another quick trip to the store. I know the way I reacted they were probably wondering if I was "on my period", but the truth is I am determined to stay on track. When fajita wraps can range from 70 to 160 calories, I choose the ones that are healthier. Don't expect me to just accept the ones I shouldn't eat when I know there are better choices out there in grocery land. So, when I went back to the store, I found these. They are 71 calories, with 8 grams of protein, 12 grams of fiber, and best of all they taste great. I loaded my fajitas with chicken, peppers, tomatoes, sliced avocado, and salsa. Then, I had black beans on the side. Yum.
This morning, when I got up, I had the most horrible cramps. Mmmm...maybe I was snippier than usual last night. Oh well. Anyway, I was doing a bit of whining so my husband says, "Why don't you take something (like Pamprin)?" In the past, I would've headed right upstairs and given in to the pills, but now I try to stay as un-medicated as possible. My response? "I think I'll be fine after I work out". Who is this woman?
I went down and hit the treadmill. I'm not going outside today. Its way too hot and humid lately. Its not that I'm a wuss. Its just that I can get more out of my workout if I stay indoors. And I can incline. Besides, I missed a lot of the news while we were gone. I needed to catch up. Can't do that walking outside.
I did my 5 miles, then 50 push ups (5 sets of 10 Army Style push ups AKA not on my knees), 100 sit ups, 100 butt lifts, and 350 small weight repetitions (3 sets of 100 different 5lb repetitions and 100 of the 6lb Empower weighted ball I bought at Target). Target has great workout equipment (and exercise DVDs). I bought my exercise mat there. I love that I never get rug burns from sit ups anymore.
After my workout, I was a sweaty mess. Oh, I forgot. Ladies don't sweat. Okay, I was glowing all over the place. I came upstairs to find our youngest laying on the couch watching television. I handed him the camera and said, "Here, take my picture. I need a photo for the blog. More photos of me working out means less embarrassing photos of you." Hey, that was easy. You know...I don't think he minds really. I think he's secretly proud to have a mom with guns.
Total Miles Walked- 770
Weight Reps - 38,770 (this morning, I did 350 reps of 5lb weights and 6lb "Empower" medicine ball)
Situps - 10,150
Push ups - 4000
Butt Lifts - 5500
Last night, we made tacos and fajitas. I still had a ton of laundry to do from our weekend camping trip, so the boys did the shopping. I made a very specific list. I know they tried their best, but in the end I made another quick trip to the store. I know the way I reacted they were probably wondering if I was "on my period", but the truth is I am determined to stay on track. When fajita wraps can range from 70 to 160 calories, I choose the ones that are healthier. Don't expect me to just accept the ones I shouldn't eat when I know there are better choices out there in grocery land. So, when I went back to the store, I found these. They are 71 calories, with 8 grams of protein, 12 grams of fiber, and best of all they taste great. I loaded my fajitas with chicken, peppers, tomatoes, sliced avocado, and salsa. Then, I had black beans on the side. Yum.
This morning, when I got up, I had the most horrible cramps. Mmmm...maybe I was snippier than usual last night. Oh well. Anyway, I was doing a bit of whining so my husband says, "Why don't you take something (like Pamprin)?" In the past, I would've headed right upstairs and given in to the pills, but now I try to stay as un-medicated as possible. My response? "I think I'll be fine after I work out". Who is this woman?
I went down and hit the treadmill. I'm not going outside today. Its way too hot and humid lately. Its not that I'm a wuss. Its just that I can get more out of my workout if I stay indoors. And I can incline. Besides, I missed a lot of the news while we were gone. I needed to catch up. Can't do that walking outside.
I did my 5 miles, then 50 push ups (5 sets of 10 Army Style push ups AKA not on my knees), 100 sit ups, 100 butt lifts, and 350 small weight repetitions (3 sets of 100 different 5lb repetitions and 100 of the 6lb Empower weighted ball I bought at Target). Target has great workout equipment (and exercise DVDs). I bought my exercise mat there. I love that I never get rug burns from sit ups anymore.
After my workout, I was a sweaty mess. Oh, I forgot. Ladies don't sweat. Okay, I was glowing all over the place. I came upstairs to find our youngest laying on the couch watching television. I handed him the camera and said, "Here, take my picture. I need a photo for the blog. More photos of me working out means less embarrassing photos of you." Hey, that was easy. You know...I don't think he minds really. I think he's secretly proud to have a mom with guns.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Camping At The Solomons
I managed to log another 8 miles during our weekend away at the Solomons in Maryland. One would assume the intense temperatures (it averaged around 100 degrees every day with near 100% humidity) would have scared away the campers, but surprisingly it was crowded. On the very first night, we went over to the beach to try to cool of. Afterwards, we cleaned up and went looking for a place to have dinner. I had crab cakes at the Dry Dock Restaurant. It was upscale and we didn't have reservations, but the folks there were really nice. They cleared way for the five of us to eat at the bar and the food was incredible
The rest of the family stayed up late and played cards, while I went to the bedroom of the camper and learned to play the "Angry birds" APP on the computer. There was no internet access at our site. The next morning, my husband and I went for a short walk around the navy recreation center where our campsite was. I say campsite, but most would say its not really camping when your camper has air conditioning, ceiling fans, and two bathrooms. When you've spent most of your adult life sleeping on the ground with the ticks and chiggers, you learn to appreciate camping in style. Besides, my husband and I both suffer from issues related to back injuries. After our walk, we made a breakfast fit for royalty complete with eggs, bacon (which I did not eat), toast, fresh fruit, and yogurt.
Then, we went exploring. Well, we were really searching for a Starbucks. We all needed a fix...and I wanted internet access. For lunch, we went to Cheeseburger in Paradise. Yumm..veggie Mushroom Swiss burger and sweet potato chips. We even found a cool antique shop Then, we came back to the camp and tried swimming in the pool (they had three). Eventually, we got tired of the crowded pool and went down to the beach. That didn't last long. It was pretty gross, the water was like a warm bath, and for some reason, the flies thought we were food. Back to the camper and a clean shower. In the evening, we decided to beat the heat and find a local movie theater. The theater was in the middle of no where, but it had all the newest movies and for once, we saw the same movie (the new "Transformers"). Normally, we can never agree on what to see and we split up. Well, three hours in the cool theater...priceless. When it was over, we stopped in at Red Robin for late night snacks. I had Chicken Tortilla Soup. I had hoped for a Kahlua and coffee, but they screwed it up. I think they poured the coffee, then waved the Kahlua over it. I ended up ordering a shot of Bailey's too. Back at the camper, we nuked marshmallows (in the microwave) and made Smores. Don't laugh. It was still nearly 90's at night. No way were we going to make a camp fire.
Despite the heat, we had a good time this weekend. I have to admit it was nice just being a family. Right now, I have an unimaginable amount of laundry to do. I feel like a kid from "Jersey shore". Gym (walking and swimming), tan (at the beach and pool), and now...laundry.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Out and About Again
We are out exploring with the family today. So, I have my pedometer. I won't log it yet, but, so far i'm up to 5 miles and it's only 9:40 am. Did I mention that it was over a hundred degrees yesterday and it's supposed to be worse today. We are a military family. Like the saying goes, we do more before nine than most people do all day. What are you doing to stay active this weekend? By the way, don't forget to drink plenty of water.
Friday, July 22, 2011
You Meet The Nicest People At Music Stores
Our youngest is studying guitar. So, for a half hour every week, I drive over to the local music store. Most often, I just sit there quietly scanning through old magazines while I wait patiently. But yesterday was different. I wasn't the only "mom" waiting for her beloved son.
There was rock and roll music seeping from one of the supposed soundproof booths. She looked up at me and said, "That would be my son." I smiled, "he's good."
She told me about his ongoing battle with Lyme and how music had literally saved him. We started chatting about my medical issues, how much working out was helping, and eventually my blog journey. We discovered that we were the same age. But time passed too quickly.
Before long, our boys were done with their lesson. I found myself wishing we had more time to talk. It was nice to have someone to chat with while I waited. I hope my new friend is there the next time. You meet the nicest people at music stores.
There was rock and roll music seeping from one of the supposed soundproof booths. She looked up at me and said, "That would be my son." I smiled, "he's good."
She told me about his ongoing battle with Lyme and how music had literally saved him. We started chatting about my medical issues, how much working out was helping, and eventually my blog journey. We discovered that we were the same age. But time passed too quickly.
Before long, our boys were done with their lesson. I found myself wishing we had more time to talk. It was nice to have someone to chat with while I waited. I hope my new friend is there the next time. You meet the nicest people at music stores.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Back On Track After The Visit
Its just us and the kids now. Well, they aren't really kids. They are all grown up now...which is wonderful because they really don't need supervision. I can get back on track with my workout routine.
So, today when my husband left for work, I went down to the gym. No walking outside today. Its way too humid. Besides, I wanted the challenge and intensity of the incline. I did my 5 miles up to about a 10 incline at a 14 minute pace. I was bookin'. And afterwards, I was completely drenched. I did 50 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 butt lifts, and 350 weight repetitions with small 5lb dumb bells and then with the 6lb medicine ball. I am really noticing the definition in my arms.
When I came back upstairs, my Stepdaughter was watching television. She asked if I had a good workout, so I threw my sloppy wet shirt at her, and asked "What do you think?" You should have seen her face. It was hilarious. : )
Later I took our youngest to a dentist follow up appointment. It took longer to fill out the paperwork than it did for the appointment. When we walked out, I had him call the others. "Hey, meet us at Target and we'll go over and have lunch at Panera bread". No argument there. Seems they love the Strawberry Poppy seed Chicken Salad as much as I do. It was worried about leaving the purchases from Target in the car. I had bought roasted red pepper hummus (my husband's favorite) so I asked the kids if we could get it to go. Luckily, I still had the cooler bag in the car from Batman's AKA Connor's leftover birthday cake (our niece and nephew's little boy). I am glad he wanted it. It was a Wegman's cake. In other words, pretty tempting even to the most dedicated fitness buff. I think he just wanted the yummy frosting. When we were the taking photos, he secretly dug a hole in the side of the cake just to get to the frosting. I'd like to say a special thank you to the bakery folks at Wegman's. The Batman cake wasn't even in the cake book. They searched in the back room and found the stuff to put on the cake, then colored it the white cake blue, and added blue, yellow, and black frosting balloons. It was a big hit.
Anyway, having that cooler bag in the car helped me feel a lot less anxious. Its at least 100 degrees outside today. Well, once we had our lunch to go, we headed straight home to the comfy couches and air conditioning. I was surprised when we got there. My husband was home early. I shared my salad with him. Now, if you know me, you know that's love. : )
So, today when my husband left for work, I went down to the gym. No walking outside today. Its way too humid. Besides, I wanted the challenge and intensity of the incline. I did my 5 miles up to about a 10 incline at a 14 minute pace. I was bookin'. And afterwards, I was completely drenched. I did 50 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 butt lifts, and 350 weight repetitions with small 5lb dumb bells and then with the 6lb medicine ball. I am really noticing the definition in my arms.
When I came back upstairs, my Stepdaughter was watching television. She asked if I had a good workout, so I threw my sloppy wet shirt at her, and asked "What do you think?" You should have seen her face. It was hilarious. : )
Later I took our youngest to a dentist follow up appointment. It took longer to fill out the paperwork than it did for the appointment. When we walked out, I had him call the others. "Hey, meet us at Target and we'll go over and have lunch at Panera bread". No argument there. Seems they love the Strawberry Poppy seed Chicken Salad as much as I do. It was worried about leaving the purchases from Target in the car. I had bought roasted red pepper hummus (my husband's favorite) so I asked the kids if we could get it to go. Luckily, I still had the cooler bag in the car from Batman's AKA Connor's leftover birthday cake (our niece and nephew's little boy). I am glad he wanted it. It was a Wegman's cake. In other words, pretty tempting even to the most dedicated fitness buff. I think he just wanted the yummy frosting. When we were the taking photos, he secretly dug a hole in the side of the cake just to get to the frosting. I'd like to say a special thank you to the bakery folks at Wegman's. The Batman cake wasn't even in the cake book. They searched in the back room and found the stuff to put on the cake, then colored it the white cake blue, and added blue, yellow, and black frosting balloons. It was a big hit.
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Batman's 6th birthday party (notice the pull up bar in the background...I think almost everyone gave it a try) |
Anyway, having that cooler bag in the car helped me feel a lot less anxious. Its at least 100 degrees outside today. Well, once we had our lunch to go, we headed straight home to the comfy couches and air conditioning. I was surprised when we got there. My husband was home early. I shared my salad with him. Now, if you know me, you know that's love. : )
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Old Goats, Crabs, And The Boys Of Summer
Yesterday, we spent the morning walking around Annapolis, Maryland. We had lunch at an amazing little place right off the water called the Market House. I had a crab spinach wrap with lettuce and tomato. I will definitely go back. If you ever find yourself wandering around Annapolis, check this place out. They not only have crab, but an array of mouth watering sandwiches that are sure to please everyone.
After wondering around Annapolis with really no purpose but to see the place, we stopped in to check out the Naval Academy. It was hot and humid, not the best day for walking around, but we were doing what I love. We were walking. After a couple of miles, we stopped at the Naval Academy gift store to get bottled water. I would have loved to have bought something, but all said Navy. I mean, what was up with that? What's an "Army" girl to do? I guess I'll buy something when we go to West Point.
That evening, we went to Catonsville to visit more family. There, we made new friends, had a few drinks, swam in their pool, and ate something I hadn't had since I was a kid back in Portsmouth (Virginia)...steamed crabs with Old Bay seasoning. Yum. The kids had never had crab before. It was a hit! Hard to say no when all those Marylanders, young and old, are putting the critters away one after the other. Who knows? Maybe they'll try more seafood now.
The evening was definitely a success. The only downside was, while we were eating crabs, the mosquitoes were eating us. Oh well, that's what Benadryl itch cream is for, right? By the time we got back home (Back in Northern Virginia), we were all exhausted, and we had to get up in the morning to go to the Red Sox-Orioles game back at Camden Yards. I knew I wouldn't have time for a good workout before we left, so I put my pedometer on. I figured I log at least a couple of miles. And I did. I managed to get 2.875 more in. The long walk from the parking lot...the heat...the humidity? It was all absolutely worth it.
One thing I love about going to a Red Sox game at Camden yards...lots of fans dressed just like the Hurley's. Oh, and BTW...the Red Sox won! After that, we didn't even mind the long drive home. Our relatives? Unfortunately, they had to drive back to Massachusetts tonight. I wish we had more time. Then again, I always do.
After wondering around Annapolis with really no purpose but to see the place, we stopped in to check out the Naval Academy. It was hot and humid, not the best day for walking around, but we were doing what I love. We were walking. After a couple of miles, we stopped at the Naval Academy gift store to get bottled water. I would have loved to have bought something, but all said Navy. I mean, what was up with that? What's an "Army" girl to do? I guess I'll buy something when we go to West Point.
That evening, we went to Catonsville to visit more family. There, we made new friends, had a few drinks, swam in their pool, and ate something I hadn't had since I was a kid back in Portsmouth (Virginia)...steamed crabs with Old Bay seasoning. Yum. The kids had never had crab before. It was a hit! Hard to say no when all those Marylanders, young and old, are putting the critters away one after the other. Who knows? Maybe they'll try more seafood now.
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I think these two ate more than anyone. : ) |
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Papelbon |
One thing I love about going to a Red Sox game at Camden yards...lots of fans dressed just like the Hurley's. Oh, and BTW...the Red Sox won! After that, we didn't even mind the long drive home. Our relatives? Unfortunately, they had to drive back to Massachusetts tonight. I wish we had more time. Then again, I always do.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
I got up and made chocolate chip and whole grain blueberry muffins for our family this morning. Our family has grown (yesterday, our two college kids came home). We stayed up pretty late last night, but my sister in law and I still managed to get up and go for a 4.5 mile walk in the neighborhood (after coffee of course). Then I went down and knocked out fifty push ups. I'm not sure what we are doing today, but I'm pretty sure I won't have time to sit down and blog. That's why the quickie. I am a busy busy lady. Right now, I am desperately in need of a shower (its humid outside) and a protein drink. I'll catch up when I can. Remember, make good choices today. I know I will. Well...I will try. : )
Monday, July 18, 2011
A Home Filled With Love And Laughter
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Its better to walk with family |
When I went up to bed, I lay out my work out clothes. I actually had trouble getting to sleep. I was excited about finally being able to walk and have girl talk. I set the clock for 0600hrs just in case the body clock failed to go off. My relatives were planning an early day walking around the Nation's Capital, so the house was quiet pretty early. I went up to bed around 2230hrs (1030pm). When I got up there, my husband was already asleep (He had to work the next day). I was too wound up to sleep. I pulled out my kindle, thinking that a bit of reading might help me wind down. It did. I finally drifted off at about 2330hrs (1130pm). Then, around 0400, the cat came into our room fussing. Normally, she starts whining at 0700hrs. I guess her body clock is off too. She isn't used to all this commotion, all these new people in the house. She wanted things to be back to normal. Anyway, I'm not sure how I did it, but I eventually fell back to sleep.
My husband and I got up with the alarm at 0600hrs. By 0700hrs (after coffee of course), we were out the door on our little walk...four miles around the neighborhood. It was amazing. Not only did the weather cooperate, but the walk went by very quickly. We talked the whole way. I wish we lived closer. I wish we could walk together every day.
Somehow, I think I got the better part of the deal. Here, they would be walking all over Washington, DC, but due to previous commitments, I couldn't go. I'm sure I walked a couple of miles doing errands but, as I didn't have my pedometer, I can't be sure of the count. At this point, I'm not really worried about falling behind in my journey to one thousand miles in 2011. After all, I have 744 miles so far.
I know they'll be gone in a couple of days, but we'll see each other again soon and least I'll have the memory of our time together. One thing is for sure, when we do get together, its safe to say we will probably walk together again. : )
Sunday, July 17, 2011
The Organizer
The relatives are coming today and boy have we been busy. Together we loaded up with groceries. My husband and our youngest mowed the lawn. And just to ease my tendencies toward an obsessive compulsive disorder, I invaded man land. I reorganized my husband's work bench. Okay, I'll admit I had no clue as to what went where, but still, he was thrilled that I played happy homemaker in the garage. Now, when I park the car, I won't cringe at the mess. I won't frighten you with the before photos. You'll thank me later.
: ) I didn't really work out today, but I'm sure I've lost a pound or two in sweat alone (without even trying).
Today is a banner day. Today, I am on the last page of my little black book, the one that I use to log what I eat, drink, and how much exercise I get. Tomorrow, I begin a new book. These books have really worked in my efforts to stay on track. For instance, its now 1435hrs and I know I've had four glasses of water, one cup of decaf coffee, a protein smoothie with fruit, Greek yogurt with granola, and an apple. I began my first book on April 1st, 2010 and ended it on December 31, 2010. I began the second book January 1st 2011 and it has taken me to today (not as many pages I guess). I have written in them every day much like a diary. And yes, along with the positive things, there are moments of naughtiness like the occasional piece if pie or the ice cream cone. After all, I'm no angel. The point is its all there in black and white. With the book, I can look back and see it anytime. From that, I can adjust fire.
Well, I'd better go. My husband is knocking on the window. Guess I'd better get back to work. Have a healthy day today and please make good choices.
: ) I didn't really work out today, but I'm sure I've lost a pound or two in sweat alone (without even trying).
Today is a banner day. Today, I am on the last page of my little black book, the one that I use to log what I eat, drink, and how much exercise I get. Tomorrow, I begin a new book. These books have really worked in my efforts to stay on track. For instance, its now 1435hrs and I know I've had four glasses of water, one cup of decaf coffee, a protein smoothie with fruit, Greek yogurt with granola, and an apple. I began my first book on April 1st, 2010 and ended it on December 31, 2010. I began the second book January 1st 2011 and it has taken me to today (not as many pages I guess). I have written in them every day much like a diary. And yes, along with the positive things, there are moments of naughtiness like the occasional piece if pie or the ice cream cone. After all, I'm no angel. The point is its all there in black and white. With the book, I can look back and see it anytime. From that, I can adjust fire.
Well, I'd better go. My husband is knocking on the window. Guess I'd better get back to work. Have a healthy day today and please make good choices.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
The Calm Before The Storm
Its been so dreadfully quiet these past few days. Our youngest has been at scout camp all week and my husband has been away since before dawn on Wednesday for work and our eldest boy's graduation from ROTC Basic Camp. I really really wanted to go to the graduation, but unfortunately parents have to sometimes split up to accomplish everything on the agenda. Our youngest gets home at noon today and I need to be there to pick him up.
My body clock woke me at 0630hrs again. Okay, someone please tell me. How do I change the settings on a body clock? It's been so quiet in the house. Honestly, if it weren't for the cat, I'd probably go crazy. Normally, I would just stick to my routine, but since its a Saturday, my routine has been thrown off. You see, I'm not used to being all alone on the weekend.
So, I decided to break up the day, I would pretend it was a weekday. I got in my workout clothes and headed downstairs. I turned on the television and watched the news while I walked on the treadmill. Did you know that on weekends they repeat all the news from the previous week? Boring! So I made a game of it. Whenever I heard a segment I had heard before, I upped the incline. Well, in the end, I had burned over 600 calories. Cool! I did my normal weekday workout...5 mile walk, 50 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 butt lifts, and 300 weight repetitions, then came upstairs. Ugh. Now, it was only 0900hrs. Shower...0930hrs. Okay...I decided to just have my protein smoothie drink early today. I couldn't drink anymore water. I had already had four glasses.
I went on Facebook. I checked my email. By now, it was 1000hrs. Maybe I would just go ahead and blog. I mean, I did workout. So, here it is..too early to pick up my kid. The dishes are put away, the laundry is in the dryer, and still I have all this energy. Where did this energy come from? I should be exhausted. I worked out really hard today.
At noon, my youngest comes home. This evening, my husband comes home. Tomorrow, the relatives visit for a few days. Monday, our two college students come home. I am tired of all this calm. I can't wait to fill our home with love and laughter. You know what? Maybe I'm one of those people who likes storms.
My body clock woke me at 0630hrs again. Okay, someone please tell me. How do I change the settings on a body clock? It's been so quiet in the house. Honestly, if it weren't for the cat, I'd probably go crazy. Normally, I would just stick to my routine, but since its a Saturday, my routine has been thrown off. You see, I'm not used to being all alone on the weekend.
So, I decided to break up the day, I would pretend it was a weekday. I got in my workout clothes and headed downstairs. I turned on the television and watched the news while I walked on the treadmill. Did you know that on weekends they repeat all the news from the previous week? Boring! So I made a game of it. Whenever I heard a segment I had heard before, I upped the incline. Well, in the end, I had burned over 600 calories. Cool! I did my normal weekday workout...5 mile walk, 50 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 butt lifts, and 300 weight repetitions, then came upstairs. Ugh. Now, it was only 0900hrs. Shower...0930hrs. Okay...I decided to just have my protein smoothie drink early today. I couldn't drink anymore water. I had already had four glasses.
I went on Facebook. I checked my email. By now, it was 1000hrs. Maybe I would just go ahead and blog. I mean, I did workout. So, here it is..too early to pick up my kid. The dishes are put away, the laundry is in the dryer, and still I have all this energy. Where did this energy come from? I should be exhausted. I worked out really hard today.
At noon, my youngest comes home. This evening, my husband comes home. Tomorrow, the relatives visit for a few days. Monday, our two college students come home. I am tired of all this calm. I can't wait to fill our home with love and laughter. You know what? Maybe I'm one of those people who likes storms.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Walk, Movie, Walk
My body clock woke me at 0630hrs this morning. And even though my workout clothes were all laid out for the normal routine, I just couldn't bring myself to but them on. I didn't feel like hitting the treadmill. I didn't feel like walking outside. So, I hopped in the shower and dressed in comfortable clothes. After coffee and a couple of glasses of water, I put on my sketchers and headed over to the mall. I figured I could get in at least a couple of miles, then see a movie a friend had recommended (yes, alone).
Well, as I drove up to the theater, I soon realized I had picked the wrong weekend to see a movie. The final "Harry Potter" had opened and the line was all the way down the street. No worries. I would wait to get the tickets to my movie later. In the mean time, I could walk around Potomac Mills outlet mall. For every complete lap you do, you can log two miles. I did two laps before the movie, then another lap afterward just window shopping. Well, it was less shopping and more critiquing the store's windows. I have a few things at the mall that seriously bug me. One is those salespeople that try to lure you by offering to straighten your hair, to tweeze your eyebrows, or to put smelly lotion on you. Another is store windows that are atrociously decorated. I also have a thing about spelling errors, but that's another subject entirely. I mean, there is no excuse for a news channel misspelling the word "political", right? Anyway, a good window design will definitely bring me in a store. A bad one will just make me walk past shaking my head wondering how the misguided person who did it still held the job.
There were a lot of people walking at the mall today. There were the regulars and some new folks who were probably just looking to escape the heat and humidity. Summer also brings out the families. Little kids can run around at the mall and you don't have to worry. Its relatively safe; however, the security guards rolling around on their Segways? Not so safe. They often have to dodge patrons. One nearly ran me over one day, but we both had a laugh about it. When I walk, I am a woman on a mission. I tend to blank out outside influences..even those on their own missions.
By the time I returned, the line had completely diminished. All the Harry Potter fans had gone inside. I would wait an see Harry Potter with our son. I promised. Today, I saw "Larry Crowne". The movie was really good and I was pleasantly surprised by what it cost me. It was an early show (0925hrs), and one that had been out for a while I guess. It only cost me $6.00. I know, right? And better yet, the cashier informed me I had $10.00 on my Stubs account. Ten dollars? I didn't know you built up credit on those cards. So, I went to the snack stand (there was no line) and asked what she was talking about. Turns out, I could use that $10 towards snack cost. I got a free bottle of water. It was a bonus, believe me. Water is usually outrageous at $4.00. Heck, for $4.00, I could get over a case of water at Costco. I didn't mind though. I was naughty. I snuck in a protein bar, so I wouldn't be tempted by the over priced treats. There were seven people in my show including myself. Very nice. No one made noise. No one kicked the back of my chair. I cannot wait until my stepdaughter comes. She loves going to movies, and she is in no way embarrassed to have her 40 something Step mom sitting next to her because I'm cool, I always pay, and (on a good day) I could pass for one of her friends. I like that. Lately, with our son, I always feel like I'm embarrassing him. I can't say much. I was the same as his age.
When I got home, it was just after 1300hrs..still early. By now, I was hungry again. I checked the fridge, but it was pretty empty. My boys are coming home tomorrow. I needed to get milk. I don't drink it, but I'm the one who gets scolded if its not there or heaven forbid expired. Time for another walk to the grocery store. You know, milk is heavy when you have to carry it down the street along with other odds and ends. I was going to do push ups, but I believe everything counts. I figure I already my arm exercises. I will forego the push ups today. Besides, according to my pedometer, I walked a total of six and half miles today. : )
Well, as I drove up to the theater, I soon realized I had picked the wrong weekend to see a movie. The final "Harry Potter" had opened and the line was all the way down the street. No worries. I would wait to get the tickets to my movie later. In the mean time, I could walk around Potomac Mills outlet mall. For every complete lap you do, you can log two miles. I did two laps before the movie, then another lap afterward just window shopping. Well, it was less shopping and more critiquing the store's windows. I have a few things at the mall that seriously bug me. One is those salespeople that try to lure you by offering to straighten your hair, to tweeze your eyebrows, or to put smelly lotion on you. Another is store windows that are atrociously decorated. I also have a thing about spelling errors, but that's another subject entirely. I mean, there is no excuse for a news channel misspelling the word "political", right? Anyway, a good window design will definitely bring me in a store. A bad one will just make me walk past shaking my head wondering how the misguided person who did it still held the job.
There were a lot of people walking at the mall today. There were the regulars and some new folks who were probably just looking to escape the heat and humidity. Summer also brings out the families. Little kids can run around at the mall and you don't have to worry. Its relatively safe; however, the security guards rolling around on their Segways? Not so safe. They often have to dodge patrons. One nearly ran me over one day, but we both had a laugh about it. When I walk, I am a woman on a mission. I tend to blank out outside influences..even those on their own missions.
By the time I returned, the line had completely diminished. All the Harry Potter fans had gone inside. I would wait an see Harry Potter with our son. I promised. Today, I saw "Larry Crowne". The movie was really good and I was pleasantly surprised by what it cost me. It was an early show (0925hrs), and one that had been out for a while I guess. It only cost me $6.00. I know, right? And better yet, the cashier informed me I had $10.00 on my Stubs account. Ten dollars? I didn't know you built up credit on those cards. So, I went to the snack stand (there was no line) and asked what she was talking about. Turns out, I could use that $10 towards snack cost. I got a free bottle of water. It was a bonus, believe me. Water is usually outrageous at $4.00. Heck, for $4.00, I could get over a case of water at Costco. I didn't mind though. I was naughty. I snuck in a protein bar, so I wouldn't be tempted by the over priced treats. There were seven people in my show including myself. Very nice. No one made noise. No one kicked the back of my chair. I cannot wait until my stepdaughter comes. She loves going to movies, and she is in no way embarrassed to have her 40 something Step mom sitting next to her because I'm cool, I always pay, and (on a good day) I could pass for one of her friends. I like that. Lately, with our son, I always feel like I'm embarrassing him. I can't say much. I was the same as his age.
When I got home, it was just after 1300hrs..still early. By now, I was hungry again. I checked the fridge, but it was pretty empty. My boys are coming home tomorrow. I needed to get milk. I don't drink it, but I'm the one who gets scolded if its not there or heaven forbid expired. Time for another walk to the grocery store. You know, milk is heavy when you have to carry it down the street along with other odds and ends. I was going to do push ups, but I believe everything counts. I figure I already my arm exercises. I will forego the push ups today. Besides, according to my pedometer, I walked a total of six and half miles today. : )
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Breathe, Just Breathe
I got this morning and took a lovely walk outside. It was cool and damp. Cool and damp are not a good thing when you have arthritis, but I hung in there for four plus miles. Then I came in and did one more on the treadmill at a steep incline. I could have gone further but, to be completely honest, I was getting bored walking inside. I feel like I've been indoors way too much lately. I've been avoiding the heat. So, in the interest of time, I knocked out fifty push ups pretty quick, then three hundred and fifty weight repetitions.
I had lots to do today. I was going to set up the digital cable adapters in four rooms. I managed to get three on line, but the fourth presented a challenge. At first, I thought it was the new television, but I soon discovered it was the DTA adapter. I say "soon", but really I didn't figure this out until I had spent a good two hours on line chat troubleshooting with the extremely patient VIZIO folks. So, once we figured out it wasn't the television, I unplugged the DTA device and took a deep breath. Time to deal with COMCAST. I tried to call, but all I got was automated people. I tried to get someone online, but it was hopeless. Now, I guess I need to pay another visit the COMCAST office. Most likely, they will give me another device to try. Cable companies...Ugh!
Its getting late, so I'd better head over there. I will do my utmost to suppress my battle instincts and maintain control of my anxieties. I'll just look at the bright side. I did get three tvs working and the new VIZIO television for our bedroom looks great. Now, it would significantly look better if I get all the channels to work. Wish me luck?
An Update:
I stood in a line at the cable company office that went clear back to the entrance. I guess it took 20 minutes or so for me to reach a customer service representatives. The one who waited on me was very nice. I had decided beforehand just to turn in the fourth box and have her delete it from the bill. I could always go back another time if we decided to try again. She kindly reminded me that I needed to get my husband to add me to the account. It seems, unless you are the primary customer, you cannot make any changes. Yesterday, the lady behind the desk was nice enough to stretch the rules and allow me to get the DTA boxes using my Military Family Member ID (because it has my husband's name on it). Anyway, just wanted to let you know there was minimal stress even with the long line. Hard to believe huh? All that worry for nothing. : )

Its getting late, so I'd better head over there. I will do my utmost to suppress my battle instincts and maintain control of my anxieties. I'll just look at the bright side. I did get three tvs working and the new VIZIO television for our bedroom looks great. Now, it would significantly look better if I get all the channels to work. Wish me luck?
An Update:
I stood in a line at the cable company office that went clear back to the entrance. I guess it took 20 minutes or so for me to reach a customer service representatives. The one who waited on me was very nice. I had decided beforehand just to turn in the fourth box and have her delete it from the bill. I could always go back another time if we decided to try again. She kindly reminded me that I needed to get my husband to add me to the account. It seems, unless you are the primary customer, you cannot make any changes. Yesterday, the lady behind the desk was nice enough to stretch the rules and allow me to get the DTA boxes using my Military Family Member ID (because it has my husband's name on it). Anyway, just wanted to let you know there was minimal stress even with the long line. Hard to believe huh? All that worry for nothing. : )
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Home Improvement
Yesterday, I told my husband I was going to paint the staircase. I don't know what has gotten into me. Maybe I'm sick or something. I am not one of those women who takes on projects like painting. Honestly, I don't even like to hang pictures. I am the woman who makes the honey do list (I like lists), then gently reminds her husband that he is not keeping up. No, I am definitely not the home improvement queen.
Still, before we went to bed last night, I asked my husband to lay out the paint we had used for the bedroom trim and a new brush. I don't think he believed, at the time, that I would actually get to it...but I did.
He got up around 0330 to catch an early flight. I slept in. Well, I slept until 0600hrs. I walked into the new office/spare bedroom. I had forgotten there was no longer a fish to feed. The cat was waiting at the top of the stairs tapping her paw, "You coming?" ...she seemed say. As we slowly made our descent, I looked at the staircase.
A few months ago, we added hardwood floors. When they ripped up the carpeting, you could see where the paint ended and the carpet had begun. I was reminded of this every time I went up and down those stairs. We kept saying we would eventually paint the whole foyer, but well...its somewhere on that honey do list. I'm at home a good deal of the day and it was bothering me. I figured what the heck. I had the paint. I had the motivation. I could at least tackle the staircase mission. The foyer? Sorry. You don't want to see me attempting something by myself on a ladder. Its an awkward thing and I would need a spotter. And if I had a spotter, well...he could do the painting, right? : )
I took my vitamins, drank water, fed the cat, and sat down to enjoy a few quiet minutes with my decaf hazelnut coffee. I taped up the stairs in advance so I wouldn't make some lame excuse as to why I couldn't paint today, then went down to work out. Today was a good day. I made it to five miles with a gradual incline along the way. I did the usual fifty push ups, one hundred sit ups, one hundred butt lifts, and three hundred weight repetitions (low weight, high rep). Then, I came back up. I drank a protein smoothie and changed into my painting clothes. Unfortunately, I had thrown away the painting clothes from before. I mean, who would have thought I'd need them again? So, today, my painting clothes consisted of a scarf (to cover my hair), a tank top and a pair of Elvis boxer shorts. Very Chic. Sorry no one was here to take a picture. In no time at all, the stairs looked much better than before.
I went up, took my shower, then set out to accomplish another item on the honey do list. I dealt with the cable company. Not my favorite thing, I assure you. As it turned out, even that issue was completely fixable. What's next? I have no idea. But what I do know is...I really like having the energy to do a little home improvement now and then.
Still, before we went to bed last night, I asked my husband to lay out the paint we had used for the bedroom trim and a new brush. I don't think he believed, at the time, that I would actually get to it...but I did.
He got up around 0330 to catch an early flight. I slept in. Well, I slept until 0600hrs. I walked into the new office/spare bedroom. I had forgotten there was no longer a fish to feed. The cat was waiting at the top of the stairs tapping her paw, "You coming?" ...she seemed say. As we slowly made our descent, I looked at the staircase.
A few months ago, we added hardwood floors. When they ripped up the carpeting, you could see where the paint ended and the carpet had begun. I was reminded of this every time I went up and down those stairs. We kept saying we would eventually paint the whole foyer, but well...its somewhere on that honey do list. I'm at home a good deal of the day and it was bothering me. I figured what the heck. I had the paint. I had the motivation. I could at least tackle the staircase mission. The foyer? Sorry. You don't want to see me attempting something by myself on a ladder. Its an awkward thing and I would need a spotter. And if I had a spotter, well...he could do the painting, right? : )
I took my vitamins, drank water, fed the cat, and sat down to enjoy a few quiet minutes with my decaf hazelnut coffee. I taped up the stairs in advance so I wouldn't make some lame excuse as to why I couldn't paint today, then went down to work out. Today was a good day. I made it to five miles with a gradual incline along the way. I did the usual fifty push ups, one hundred sit ups, one hundred butt lifts, and three hundred weight repetitions (low weight, high rep). Then, I came back up. I drank a protein smoothie and changed into my painting clothes. Unfortunately, I had thrown away the painting clothes from before. I mean, who would have thought I'd need them again? So, today, my painting clothes consisted of a scarf (to cover my hair), a tank top and a pair of Elvis boxer shorts. Very Chic. Sorry no one was here to take a picture. In no time at all, the stairs looked much better than before.
I went up, took my shower, then set out to accomplish another item on the honey do list. I dealt with the cable company. Not my favorite thing, I assure you. As it turned out, even that issue was completely fixable. What's next? I have no idea. But what I do know is...I really like having the energy to do a little home improvement now and then.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Difficult, But Not Impossible
Once the painting was done (or so I thought), I was anxiously waiting for it to dry. After all, we still had to decorate.
But then my husband surprised me with another can of paint. "We still need to do the edging, the door frames, and the window." UGH! I'll admit, by this time, I was completely exhausted. I had lost all motivation to paint. I seriously contemplated flirting my way into getting him to finish the job. But I knew that wouldn't be right. While I had been priming the walls in the air conditioned house, he was outside in 90+ degree temps stripping the deck. I just couldn't do that to him. So, together, we finished the painting. In the end, it turned out fantastic. We stayed up late, ordered Chinese take out (which I may regret later), put together furniture and moved it all in.
Today, after a five mile walk and fifty push ups, I decorated. I didn't dare do more after all the stress to my back and knees yesterday. Anyway, the room has now transitioned from Middle School to High School. : )
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The only casualty was the lone goldfish that was living there in a ten gallon tank. |
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It wasn't me. |
Monday, July 11, 2011
A Difficult Task Ahead
Yesterday, my husband and I decided to move forward on a home improvement project. Its one of those we have procrastinated doing for what seems like forever. We made one of those excursions to Lowe's. What is it about Lowe's, Home Depot, Ace Hardware, etc? Men just seem to get excited as soon as you walk in the door. Whenever he goes in other stores with me, he quickly says "In and out, okay?" In my experience, he has never said that at one of these stores.
Anyway, we bought paint and all that goes with it. A little over a hundred dollars, and about an hour later, we left. We had some issues agreeing over the paint. I like subdued colors. He likes the bright. Which explains why our living room is sunshine yellow and our dining room is pale green. We try to meet each other half way. This time though, we were painting one of the kid's rooms. We finally decided on a color called barefoot beach. I'm not sure, but I think I won the color battle.
Before we went to bed last night, we began the most difficult task...removing the existing "Hot wheels" border. The room was transitioning from little boy room to cool teenager room. Luckily, my husband has one of those high speed garment steamers. Luckily, his wife had the foresight to buy it for him a few years back. I hate to imagine trying to peel off the old border without it. With the steamer, it was pretty simple. It was funny to watch us, trying to maneuver in the small room...trying to roll the steamer around and not bang it each other (it was extremely hot). Eventually, we finished the job, happy that we had not decided to wait and do it all the next day..
When we got up this morning, we went for a quick four mile walk in the neighborhood. We didn't do much else. After all, we knew we would be painting and moving furniture all day. That in itself is quite a work out. While I began the painting, my husband went to work on another task. It seemed today was a good day for getting "honey do's" done. He power washed the deck. Now, he said this was hard work. And he did come back in all sweaty, but...every time a man says the word "Power wash", I know he is enjoying the experience. Anytime a man can use big tools, he is a happy camper. Me? None of that really appeals to me. I'm just looking forward to the hard stuff being done so I can focus on what I do best...the decorating.
We had to begin with a pretty good primer because the room was bright red halfway up the wall. After a couple of coats of paint, it looked much better. I'd like to say my back isn't sore, but that would be a lie. My back is sore. But I'm okay. No need to medicate today. And that's always a good thing.
Well, I'd better get back to work. Its touch up time, then after a bit more drying...we move the furniture back in. Oh joy. I'll let you know how it comes out. : )
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Comparing The Whey Protein I Recommend
Every day, whey protein powder serves as a valuable part of my healthy "fill me up" fruit smoothies. Well, you all know how much I love trying new things. Whey Protein is no different. If I find a new brand on the market, I will most likely try it out...if nothing else, so I can tell you all about it.
I was in the store the other day when I spotted Pure Protein's version of whey powder. You might be familiar with their tasty protein bars (my favorite is the chocolate peanut butter). The bars have 20grams of protein, only 2 grams of sugar, and are about 200 calories each. They are great if you need to satisfy your appetite during the day. Please don't skip meals. Remember my rule of regularly...just eat small portions ( a piece of fruit, a veggie, or if necessary...a protein bar).
Anyway, I now have three types of whey protein powders in my kitchen. Each has its merits. For taste, I like the GNC Be-Buff best, but the cost is a bit high for my taste. With this brand, watch out for sales. I found a bag for $14.00 on sale. I think it regularly sells for around $24.00 (ouch). The Jillian Michaels natural whey protein is good. You can find that at Walmart for around $10. Finally, Pure Protein's 100% whey protein is similar in taste to Jillian's and it runs about $11.00. I think you can find it wherever most Pure Protein bars are sold. Here's how they're labels compare:
Jillian Michaels GNC Be Buff Pure protein powder
Taste comparison tie for second first place tie for second
Cost $10 $24 (14 on sale) $11
Servings per container 15 14 13
Calories 100 100 140
Carbs 7gms 8gms 3gms
Protein 15gms 15gms 25gms
Dietary Fiber 3gms 3gms 0gms
Sugar 3gms 2gms 2gms
(made with....) Stevia Sucralose Sucralose
Calcium 108mg 500mg 200mg
These are the big numbers. You might want to check them out yourself. Ask these questions...
Do you worry more about the calories or the amount of protein?
Do you get enough fiber in your diet?
Stevia or Sucralose?
Do you need extra calcium?
Lastly, does the price matter? For me, the GNC brand rates the highest; however, its not worth it if I have to spend $24. I mean, I drink this stuff every day. One shouldn't have to go broke to stay in shape, right?
Saturday, July 9, 2011
The Baby Shower
From 1400hrs to 1700hrs today, I attended a baby shower for a neighbor's daughter. These events give us the chance to welcome a new addition to the family, catch up on gossip, and enjoy some delicious appetizers artfully prepared by the hostess.
They do present a bit of a challenge to those of us trying to stay on course with regard to eating right. I thought I'd prepared myself. Before I left my house, I drank lots of water and ate an apple.
But, there I was, faced with a table full of all my favorites. On earlier occasions, I would have a glass of wine as soon as I walked in the door. Today, I opted for a cup of the non-alcoholic punch. When it was time to fill plates with decadent yummies, I tried to sample only the more nutritious items on the table. I used whole wheat crackers when eating the crab dip. I ate sushi. I had a few of the spinach rolls. And well, I can never resist her famous homemade guacamole. I stayed away from the pigs in a blanket and the meatballs (pork and beef are off limits to me now). And I just said no to the cake, the cupcakes and candies. No ones feelings were hurt.
Right now, I feel pretty good about my decisions. But looking back, I probably should have drank water in lieu of the punch. Next time I will. The point can stay somewhat on track even when attending functions where the primary activities are opening presents and eating. You can fill up on fruits, veggies, and other healthier options. When surrounded by foods that are both healthy and not so healthy, you can make smart choices. You need only be aware you have a choice. The decision is ultimately up to you.
They do present a bit of a challenge to those of us trying to stay on course with regard to eating right. I thought I'd prepared myself. Before I left my house, I drank lots of water and ate an apple.
But, there I was, faced with a table full of all my favorites. On earlier occasions, I would have a glass of wine as soon as I walked in the door. Today, I opted for a cup of the non-alcoholic punch. When it was time to fill plates with decadent yummies, I tried to sample only the more nutritious items on the table. I used whole wheat crackers when eating the crab dip. I ate sushi. I had a few of the spinach rolls. And well, I can never resist her famous homemade guacamole. I stayed away from the pigs in a blanket and the meatballs (pork and beef are off limits to me now). And I just said no to the cake, the cupcakes and candies. No ones feelings were hurt.
Right now, I feel pretty good about my decisions. But looking back, I probably should have drank water in lieu of the punch. Next time I will. The point can stay somewhat on track even when attending functions where the primary activities are opening presents and eating. You can fill up on fruits, veggies, and other healthier options. When surrounded by foods that are both healthy and not so healthy, you can make smart choices. You need only be aware you have a choice. The decision is ultimately up to you.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Music To My Ears
My husband let me sleep in this morning, but still I found myself up and about before he left for work. After all, I had to get in my work out. Initially, I thought I might walk outside. But when I opened the front door, the humidity enveloped me. No point being uncomfortable, right? I filled a glass with water and headed downstairs. Usually on Fridays, I like to do something different. Maybe I'd pop in an exercise DVD or just do a few extra push ups or weight repetitions, last chance workout before my weekend recovery time. This morning, I lacked motivation. I didn't even raise the incline on the treadmill as high as I usually do. After my usual routine of exercises, I came upstairs and woke our son. While he was working on merit badge requirements in preparation for his upcoming camp, I clipped on my pedometer and ran errands. Amazingly, I managed to accumulate another 2 miles just walking around bringing me to a total of 7 miles for the day. Not too shabby for a day I really wasn't in the mood to work out.
Anyway, nothing seemed to shake the feeling. Not the radio in the car, not even the shopping. Then I came home. When I walked in the door, I noticed our son was upstairs practicing on the guitar he bought with his savings. Yesterday was his first official lesson. After a few minutes of listening, I noticed something odd. I hadn't asked him to put on the his headphones. Whatever he was playing, it was calming, uplifting. I actually began to feel better. I sure am glad he didn't buy drums.
Anyway, nothing seemed to shake the feeling. Not the radio in the car, not even the shopping. Then I came home. When I walked in the door, I noticed our son was upstairs practicing on the guitar he bought with his savings. Yesterday was his first official lesson. After a few minutes of listening, I noticed something odd. I hadn't asked him to put on the his headphones. Whatever he was playing, it was calming, uplifting. I actually began to feel better. I sure am glad he didn't buy drums.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Life's Little Wins
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." ~ Winston Churchill
When we woke up this morning, my husband was telling me about something he had heard...a correlation between time one could run a mile and one's level of fitness. "What about walking?" "That wasn't part of the study". "Well, I guess it wasn't very thorough, huh?" Then I took him to the gun show. That is...I showed him my the muscles in my arms.
Today, I had a little success. I surpassed a milestone in this year's journey. Today, I passed the 700 mile mark. It didn't come with a major celebration. My husband was at work. My teenage son was still asleep. No bells and whistles. No parades. No cheering crowds. A little personal win. It will never make the papers. But still, it happened and I am proud to have gotten this far.
About the time I was nearing the end of my workout (I was doing the 15lb kettle bell lifts), I watched the television news. I think a good part of the nation was watching. A little girl was dead and the world had become a part of it. In all likelihood, no one would ever know the truth as to what had occurred, only that she had been a victim of a homicide, and her mother had lied to the authorities on several occasions. Found not guilty of murder, the mother was sentenced to serve time for her lies alone. Many believe she succeeded in getting away with murder. One thing is for sure. Life will go on. Tomorrow, the mother who lied will still be in prison and there will most likely be another big story to capture our attention. In time, the little girl will be all but forgotten. Not because she didn't matter, but because sadly she is not the first nor the last to suffer needlessly. Let us not forget Madeleine McCann. For her, and many others, there is at least hope of a happy ending.
So, today I celebrate my little win in my own way...quietly. I'll finish the book I am reading, take my son to his dental appointment, followed by his first guitar lesson. I'll give him a hug and tell him I love him. Tonight, my husband and I will raise a glass of wine to my little achievement. Tomorrow, I will get up, get dressed, and continue on one step at a time until I reach the next milestone.
We cannot change what has happened in Florida this week, but perhaps, we will try harder to make to church on Sunday...thankful for what we have.
"God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
--Reinhold Niebuhr
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