I'm stuck at home today. The Air Conditioning guy is here. I was able to get in a partial workout. I decided not to walk today. I walked nine miles yesterday, but never got around to the rest of my work out. Today, I focused on that. I did 100 sit ups, 100 butt lifts, 300 small weight repetitions, and 50 kettle bells weight repetitions (10 and 15lbs). I did do 50 push ups. I chose not to continue with the 100 a day push up routine Jillian Michaels challenged us to do. I could do it easily, especially spread out through the day, but with all the other arm exercises I questioned as to whether I really needed to. So, here I am...sitting here wondering how to occupy my time as the workers complete their mission to replace our Air Conditioning unit. I need to stay out of their way, that's for sure. Maybe, I'll watch a movie or delve back into the book I am currently reading..."The Great Gatsby". Then again, I may save the book. My husband actually let me read to him last night in bed. It was extremely romantic in a bohemian kind of way even with my wearing my nerdy reading glasses. No kindle, no computer...just two people and a book with real pages to turn.

Well...the beef was browned. Then I added the seasoning. Sitting with them on the stove...I heated up some black beans (healthier than refried beans). On the island, I lay out stuff to add...chopped tomatoes, medium and mild salsa, sliced jalapeños (my husband likes those), cheddar cheese (none for me...didn't need it), fresh sliced avocados, and for even more color, a spring mix (organic baby lettuce, baby greens, Organic baby spinach, organic radicchio, and organic red kale). I like to use mixed greens instead of just chopping up a boring head of lettuce. Believe it or not, this was the first time I ever bought an avocado. I had to ask the produce guy at the store how to tell its ripeness. It was not as difficult as I had assumed. Not too soft. Not too hard. Leave it out on the counter at room temperature to make it even more ripe, ready to cut into. Once I did slice it, I just knew in the future I would soon venture further into the unknown...guacamole territory.
Then again, that fresh avocado was pretty tasty by itself. I'll bet it would be wonderful on salads or as a side to other dishes. There was no sour cream. I didn't buy any. I forgot. It wasn't missed by me, but my husband did ask about it. Everyone tried the Salvadorian cheese Pupusas. They weren't a big hit. Everything else was. There were lots of yummy noises as we scarfed down our meal.
The biggest surprise of the evening was when our youngest came up behind me after putting his plate in the sink. He gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. He followed with, "Thanks mom. Great dinner." I was blown away. I don't think he's ever done that. Made me want to cook more often, you know?
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