Today is Thursday, 12 May 2011. Today, I reached a pretty significant goal. Today, I passed the five hundred mile mark. It began like any other day...quiet and routine. I initially thought I would attempt something spectacular, like walk to the local recreation center and sign up for a class. But after a quick look on line, I discovered there weren't any new classes that met my current summer schedule challenges. Maybe later in the summer, I'll try again. I stepped outside, thinking I would still be somewhat ambitious and walk the neighborhood, but the cold air changed my mind. Should I wait and walk later when it warms up? I decided no. Instead, I headed down to gym and climbed up on my old friend, the treadmill. We've come a long way, that treadmill and I. And today, we would pass five hundred miles a team. I only had one mile to go to make it to that half way point on my one thousand mile goal for the year. I decided to make it harder than it usually is. I always try to be safe and I do worry about stressing my back and knees. I don't usually go higher than 1 or 1.5 on the incline. Today, I pushed myself. I went only four miles, but every few minutes, I increased the incline. Little by little, I went higher and higher. So, I thought to myself...that's what it feels like to be tall. Cool. By the time I was nearing the end, I had reached an incline of 10...what ever that means. My skin was glistening from the perspiration, but I wasn't out of breath. Good. I got this. I reached out to hold on (I was losing my balance), but everything was too slippery (myself included). When it was all over, I wiped down the treadmill. It was pretty gross. I felt great. And a knee didn't give out once. Believe me, that is rare. I an athlete. I a Olympian. And I wanted more...more challenge to my workout. I stepped off the treadmill and got in to position to do my push ups. I upped it to thirty earlier this week. Today, I did fifty. I wanted to give it my all. The push ups made my arms sore, but I went right in to my butts lifts. I did one hundred of those. I didn't stop until it stung. Then I got up and I switched to my low weight, high repetition arm exercises. Ten..ten..ten...then, ten ten ten again...totaling three hundred. I did fifty sit ups laying on the weight bench, then fifty more with my legs partially raised over it. Sit ups are a complication in my routine right now. Those stupid rugs burns are slowing me down, disrupting my routine, literally a pain in my butt.
By this time, I was exhausted. I went upstairs, drank a glass of water, then hit the showers. I cannot tell you how wonderful that shower felt. I washed my hair. I stayed in there entirely too long. Oh well... I deserved it, right? Today was special. While I was drinking my protein fruit smoothie, I watched Hoda and Kathie Lee. They were discussing a survey someone did. It claimed a large percentage of people believed women shouldn't wear bikinis after they reach 47. Hey...wait a minute. I am 47. What the ....? I look pretty darn good in my bikini. What does age have to do with beauty? And who do those surveyors think they are saying who should and who should not wear a bikini? It got me aggravated, so I decided to turn it off and go run a few errands.
I popped in Kohl's, and picked up some shorts and a shirt for our youngest. I swear that kid is growing so fast, I can't keep clothes on him. I bought some Lauren Conrad twenty-something jean shorts for myself. I can't bring myself to wear Bermuda shorts. I am way too petite. They make my legs look stumpy..really not a look I am going for.
Before I headed home, I went to Target. There were a few things I absolutely food, wet ones, bear naked granola, etc. I can never get through Target without finding more than I originally came in for. Today was like any other. But today, I found something to fix one of my workout routine complications...I bought this mat to do my sit ups on. Hopefully, no more rug burns.

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