When I got up this morning, my husband informed me that he was working from home today. What that really means is he has dibs on the treadmill. No worries. Its a beautiful day, albeit a bit warm. Initially, I fussed a bit. Not because of the heat (I like the heat), but because of the fact that my normal route is getting to be less of a challenge to me. I need to go further faster and there should be more hills. Still, I set out in the direction I usually go. In some places, the sun beat down on me, but in other, more shady areas, I could feel a cool welcoming breeze. I walked towards the high school, then through it hoping to find a path that would break through the trees and set me on a path to Montclair. Its pretty overgrown now.

Unfortunately, I hit a lot of dead ends. After a while, I came to the conclusion that I was lost. I stopped, took a few photos and sent them to my email, just in case they had a need in the future to search for a body. I know. I watch way too much of "Criminal Minds" and "Bones". What do you expect from a girl who basically learned to read by sneaking a peek at her dad's "True Detective" magazine? Anyway, I figured I was safe. It was still daylight and well...I am a trained killer after all. I got to the dead end and did an about face (thats what we soldiers do, you know). Then I reached another dead end. Okay...another about face. What was this, an exercise in drill and ceremonies? I had called my husband earlier just to let him I was exploring and that I might be a bit late. He didn't pick up the phone. Not knowing why I called (and imagining the worst), he got in his truck and came looking for me. He was still driving around my normal route when I called again. "Where are you?" he asked. "Haven't a clue, but everything is fine. Just enjoying my walk. I'll be home when I'm done." Satisfied that I was okay, he drove home. Now see, if he would have picked up that phone the first time, he wouldn't have had to worry. That will teach him. Maybe next time I'll just send a text.
Post walk |
When I got back to the main road, I had a hankering ( I sound like my Grandmother...the Southern one) to turn right into a neighborhood I had never seen. People... Okay, this must be civilization. I had to speed up a little or else get mower man grass shavings thrown up at me. I guess they didn't get the memo. Over in Montclair, those guys turn off the lawn care equipment when runners or walkers pass. Here, they just ignored me. When I came to the last house, I soon realized this too would be a dead end. I turned around to see an old woman (I swear she looked 120) standing in the middle of her yard, with her arms crossed, giving me a dirty look. I smiled at her. Then I passed a herd of folks standing around. They were dressed like me, like they intended to work out, but they were just standing there talking. Some had dogs. I tell you...those dogs weren't getting any exercise.
By this time, I was tired of being lost. I'd had my little adventure and I'd walked far enough for today. I headed back to the main road, set a fast pace, moved out...homeward bound. I walked in the door and was met with a big sweaty hug. He had not yet showered from his treadmill run. Lovely. He asked how far I walked. "I haven't a clue". "Why don't we map it out on that computer program?" First, I had to find it again. Really, at this point, all I wanted to do was sit down with a big glass of water. But, I pulled out the computer and I mapped it at a little over 5 and a half miles. Really, I had hoped for more. It was going to be a long weekend. Oh well. Later. I went downstairs and did my other exercises. Did I mention I did an additional 50 push ups last night, during commercials? Well I did. : ) Commercials are the best time to do push ups. Well, unless you really need that time to pee. I recommend you go pee first. Then do your push ups. : ) The commercials are long enough to do both.
"Just one more, Sweetie. I promise." |

As I was getting ready to pull out all my stuff to make my fruit whey protein smoothie, my husband asked if I wanted to go out to lunch. Too early for lunch, but I had to have something or I'd pass out. Brunch? Sure. We had to run an errand anyway. After showers, we stopped in at the Bob Evans. That's funny. Hardy anyone here. Must be the Memorial Day weekend. Everyone is gone. Good. I'm hungry.
I got one those chicken salad plates with the fruit. It was unbelievable. I look forward to it every year. And I make one of those pouty faces every time the season ends. Its not on the nutrition listing, but...look at it. Its mostly fruit. Okay, maybe a little mayonnaise in the scoop of chicken salad (with grapes and pecans). Mmmm... Worth it. Believe me.
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