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Me and the Hogwarts Express, Summer 2010 |
Last year, we went to Universal Studios to see the new Harry Potter world. We had a blast. Unfortunately, because of all the butter beer and pumpkin juice, I gained five pounds that week...even with all the walking I did in the parks and on City Walk. http://www.universalorlando.com/Home/harrypotter.aspx
This year, with the kids getting out of school and travel season soon upon us, I thought it smart to plan ahead so I don't get off track. I won't always have a gym nearby and even if I do, I might not have time to use it with all the fun we'll be having. My routine will be all amuck. "Amuck, amuck, amuck, amuck"....Name that movie.
Its difficult to make my healthy smoothies without a blender handy. What will I do without my Chobani and and my bear naked granola? I need to "improvise, overcome and adapt" (another movie quote). There is nothing you can't do with a can do attitude.
My first commitment in preparation for holiday travel was to purchase a pedometer. We walk everywhere when we are on vacation. I haven't owned a pedometer for ages, not since the last three were borrowed and lost by my youngest (he's not getting this one). Remember...the walking..it all counts. I will promise myself to never take elevators, escalators or those moving walkways at the airport. They are for someone else..not me. I am on a mission, a mission of better choices and healthier living.
Before we go anywhere, I will pack a smart fit travel kit. I like the sound of that. Quick...say it five times real fast. Ha ha... In this kit, I will put items that will keep me on track when faced with those evil choices that never fail to come up on vacation. Things like dessert...and margaritas. Okay, maybe a banana daiquiri... Light on the rum, heavy on the banana. : )
I will have to change my routine a bit. I will have a light breakfast each morning. Hopefully, I can find yogurt. Maybe, I will get lucky and find fresh fruit. Though, I am not against having veggie omelets. I absolutely love spinach, green pepper, chopped tomato and mushroom omelets. Mmmm... No bacon though. Last I heard, bacon is pork..(unless you have that turkey bacon)...Pork and beef are still a no go for me. And any toast will be whole wheat.
I will carry individual packets of whey protein powder. Then, in the afternoon, when I am feeling those hunger pangs, all I have to do is pour a packet into a small bottle of water. I mean, you can get bottled water everywhere, right? I'll have to bring protein bars, just in case. You never know when you will need a boost of energy. One a day should do it. I'll make sure and bring some of those 100 calories snacks like the Emerald almonds. If you search the grocery stores, you can find no end to the choices of 100 calorie snacks now...nuts, cookies, popcorn, etc. I'm sure you can find a favorite...maybe even several. I like that they are small and compact.
That should do it. Smart fit travel kits... In addition to making smart choices when we eat out (and believe me, we will...eat out that is), I should be okay. There are things I refuse to do on vacation....cook, clean, wash dishes, and do laundry. If I do, it ceases to be a "vacation". I want to be pampered...
When eating out, I tell myself to just remember...you know whats good...you know whats good for you. You know what will set to back. Use common sense. Make good choices. Drink lots of water.
Then, pretend you are going to be on "The Biggest Loser" at vacation's end...standing on that scale in a work out bra and those skinny work out shorts (the kind no one can wear underwear with because they are so extremely tight)...in front of the whole world. Do you really want to be the one who gained weight? ugh... I know I don't. Not like last year. I've learned from my experience at Harry Potter world. If I had it to over again, I'd only have one butter beer... the frozen one (its better) and one pumpkin juice or maybe I would ask to share with my husband or the kids. Yeah, like they would share their butter beer with me...that stuff is delicious and decadent. Great...now I am craving butter beer. Just thinking about something doesn't add to your waistline, right?
Note: When you do travel, don't forget to bring your little log book...to keep track of what you eat, what you drink, and how much you exercise each day. : )
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