I turned the final corner and the wind picked up. But the cold wind didn't phase me anymore. Mother nature was on my side now and I was not walking against her. I was walking with her. I saw a leaf out of the corner of my eye. It was on the sidewalk next to me. I know this sounds silly but, it seemed as if it were somehow racing me to the finish line. I picked up speed, then, it picked up speed. We went back and forth for 100 ft or so, then I smiled when I flew past it. I won. And I was nearly home.
When I walked in, my Stepdaughter was finishing her workout. After showers, we decided to take a trip over to Walmart. I hadn't been in a while and neither had she. While there, we couldn't help but check out the fitness section. Walmart has a decent fitness section. And if you are ever looking for protein powder or bars, take my advice and try them before you go to more pricey places like GNC. There was a lady there looking at the Shake Weights. I told her I had one. We talked a bit about how it works and she said I should be on the commercial. Wouldn't that be funny? Me, on a commercial for fitness products...
Today, I picked up one of those ion necklaces I keep seeing on athletes and in places like Dick's sporting goods. Do they work? Who knows? The package says it helps with optimizing energy, strength, balance, endurance, and flexibility. I'll give it a try and see if I notice a difference in my performance or overall pain level. Maybe I'll get lucky. I'll let you know. Hey, if nothing else, they look pretty cool. Does wearing one of these make me an athlete? I know. I know. That's a stretch.
Well, we both froze heading back to the car. I'll never get used to the cold weather. On the way home, I turned on the seat heaters in the car. I don't think I could ever again buy a car without seat heaters. The warmth just makes me feel so much better, so much more driven to excel. You know, whether its the sun nudging me along on my morning walk or driving around in my car with the seat heaters on, I am beginning to believe if your butt is warm, you can accomplish anything.
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