This morning, after I got off the treadmill, I ran out to take care of an errand. Okay, I walked. I walked over to the nearby Bloom grocery store. Still in my sweaty workout clothes, I couldn't help but smile. The fashion police would have had a field day with me. When I got there, I noticed a sign on the door. The store was closed for floor waxing. According to the sign, it wouldn't open for another half hour. I started to walk away. It was too cold to wait. Standing for long periods aggravates my back injury. Well, when the manager came over and saw me standing there, he opened the doors. "Open early...just for you." I thought that was very nice. Too bad the store didn't carry the one thing I had walked all the way over there to get. Oh well, it was good exercise. I walked back home and jumped in the shower. Its one thing popping into the local grocery store for one thing. Its another traipsing around town dressed like you just came from the gym. So, I put on something somewhat presentable and, still wearing my pedometer, I headed out. I ran quite a few errands today and I got quite a bit accomplished. Between the treadmill and my errands, I've walked nine miles. Its only a little after one and I still have more to do. Who knows how far I can go today? You are probably thinking I need to take it easy but, really, its okay. Its better than okay. Those nasty annoying aches and pains? I am doing my best to stay one step ahead of them. The Lord may have closed a door in my life by giving me all these challenges to face, but with diet and exercise, I believe he showed me a window I could open to help me live a full and healthy life. And its out that window, I see a world more beautiful than I could ever imagine, a world I can't wait to explore...even if it is just here in my own backyard. You know what? I am so glad he didn't give me a window that was painted shut. I might have had to do a bit more weight repetitions to get one of those open. : )
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