This photo was taken in a photo booth in Germany. I was nineteen and other than my military training in Georgia, it was my first time away from home. I sent this to my parents. On the back, I wrote an apology for sending such a bad photo. For years, I hid this photo away. Even as I grew older, this photo made me feel embarrassed and ashamed. It made me feel like an ugly duckling.
Not long after it was taken, I went to the doctor and asked what I could do for my skin breakouts. They decided, in their infinite wisdom, to put me on the pill. It cleared up my skin, but unfortunately, caused me to gain weight. Okay, I'm sure the schnitzel and pomme frites weren't helping, but the bottom line was I still felt like an ugly duckling.
One day, I was approached by another soldier in the post's pizza pub. He was trying to put together a photographer's portfolio and asked if I would model for him. I thought he was either nuts or, more likely, he was trying to pick me up. After all, I wasn't pretty. It was a small post and we frequently bumped into each other. He continued to ask. I continued to say no thank you.
One of my girlfriends said he had asked her as well. She was nervous. She asked if I would go with her, so I inevitably said yes. I watched as he took her photos. I fixed her hair and assisted with her costume changes. The photographer was a complete gentleman. As I stood there watching, he kept insisting I should let him take photos of me as well. He said I couldn't see the beauty he saw. According to him, I was focusing only on my imperfections.
In time, I did let him take photos. And he was right. Through his photographs, you might say I learned to look more at the whole tree and focus less on its knots and dead branches. I had two more photographers while I was stationed in Germany. One, now a professional, continues to be a friend to this day.

Well, I am always on the lookout for products that work for me. I began using a new product recently and I love it. I am currently using OLAY total effects 7-in-1 anti aging cream cleanser plus blemish control. Almost immediately, I saw an improvement in my skin. Its not only clear, but softer and less dry. You know what? Today, I feel nineteen again...but now I feel less like the ugly duckling and more like the swan.
Terry to be honest through high school I always thought you were very pretty and I still think you are. Never think that you were ugly because there was a time i wished i looked as good as you do now and as you did in high school.