I guess my husband was antsy too. When he woke up, he headed over to the driving range to practice his swing. Its been a while and he has been recovering from an injury. He has an AFCEA (Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association) tournament coming up. These are often done to raise money for charity.
Our youngest was still in bed. I turned on the television and watched "The Biggest Loser" first episode of the new season on demand. Afterwards, I had a healthy bowl of cereal with some blueberries and soy milk. I thought about working out, but decided against it. Sunday is supposed to be a recovery day. I would get a good work out in tomorrow. Maybe the weather would be nicer. Maybe I could walk outside.
It was still early when our youngest woke up. He looked bored so I asked him if he wanted to go outside and teach me how to toss the football. He does this often with his dad but, when he does, I always stay in the house...watching.
I grew up with brothers, three of them, but I don't remember us ever tossing a football around. We did play paper football. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paper_football
I was pretty good at folding the football, but not as good as getting it over the finger goal posts. My brother was seriously skilled at the game. He actually got tickets to the super bowl one year by winning a local community competition.
I never really liked football while growing up. When the game was on, it meant I left the room. It meant the boys had the television and I didn't. I never really understood the obsession to the game. To me, it made absolutely no sense whatsoever.
Years later, in high school, I went to nearly every school game. I hung out with friends and rarely even glanced at what was going on unless one of the players was cute. As a Junior, I was even on the powder puff football team. The girls played the game and the boys (normally the players) dressed like cheerleaders. It was all in fun and everyone had a blast. Me? I wore the uniform shirt, but I sat the bench and cheered our team on. My friends tried to teach me, but I just didn't get it.
Every year, our neighbor has a Super Bowl party. The parties are always wonderful but, I admit, I have always gone for the conversation and the commercials.
Last football season, I finally asked my husband to explain the game to me. Did I mention he is a very patient man? It wasn't long before I was cheering along when our favorite team made a good play. I looked forward to the games. I recognized players. You might say, I got into it.

My husband just got home. He was excited to tell me that his injury has completely healed. He was happy that he had taken the time to try out his swing. He's making plans to play even more golf in the next couple of weeks before the actual tournament.
Maybe the three of us will go outside and throw the ball some more. Mmmm...I don't know. Maybe we should play in the street at least until we get the opportunity to mow the lawn.
Hey, isn't tomorrow Monday Night Football night? I need to start thinking about some healthy snacks to munch on during the game.
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