Friday, September 2, 2011

Dream Walk

Last night was one of those nights when I just couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned, stared at the ceiling for a bit, and played with my pillow hoping for any comfortable position. It was useless. I was tired to the point of exhaustion, but it didn't matter. Needless to say, it was a very long night. The clock finally sounded at 0600hrs. My husband had to get up and go to work. I guess I could have slept in. It didn't really matter. He had to leave early anyway. Did I? No. I got up. While he was in shower, I made the bed, brushed, and got dressed. The cat was waiting at the bottom of the stairs. I had absolutely no energy. I sat right down on the top step and waited for her to climb up to me. I know it was mean forcing her to climb the stairs when I knew I had to come down, but I really needed her to walk down with me today. Being the loyal cat she is, she came up. I scratched her head in thanks, then we proceeded down the stairs together. Sometimes, support comes from the strangest places. I barely finished my coffee before my husband had to leave. I kissed him and told him to have a pleasant day. I could have gone back to bed. He would have never known. But unfortunately, I would know. You can't hide from yourself. Going back to bed might have been restful. Then again, I might have continued to just lay there staring at the ceiling. I knew deep down that I would feel better after a work out. I always do. So, I went downstairs about a half hour earlier than usual. I walked my five miles and stepped off the treadmill. It was still early, so I decided to walk a bit outside. I walked another three miles in the neighborhood. I felt like I was walking in some kind of dream state. My mind wandered. I lost myself in the iPod songs. I turned around at the mile and half point. I could have walked more, but the cool damp morning air was making my knee give a little. I would log eight miles today. No sense in pushing it. When I came in the door, I saw that our youngest was up watching television, so I went back downstairs. I did the rest of my normal workout, then came up and showered. I started to feel refreshed after I drank my fruit smoothie, so I went to the mall and walked around some more. I popped into Costco to replenish my fresh fruit supply. I still feel like I am in a dream state. Maybe, I should take a hint from the cat. Maybe its time for a nap.

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