Thursday, March 24, 2011


   I got up this morning, ran through the usual routine, then noticed the empty refrigerator.  Okay, to be honest, it was brought to my attention by the 8th grader I live with.  He has finally reached the age when food is important.  "Mom, I need whole milk.  Mine has expired."  I reply, "Can't you drink your dad's fat free milk."  
I believe, "Gross" was the word he used.  Then again, maybe he just gave me a look.  I can't remember.  Subsequently, he added that he was out of his yogurt and his favorite mac and cheese.  He has to remind me of things like that.  I don't eat them.  
   Suddenly, I had an urge to remind him of something.  "Did you pack up all your homework?  Oh, and did you remember to take your allergy medication?  Of course, he had.  He isn't old and forgetful like his mom.  When I saw he was safely on the bus (yes, I still watch..he'll always be my baby), I headed downstairs.  Five miles on the treadmill, weight repetitions, push ups, sit ups...I looked at possibly doing some jump rope but decided maybe tomorrow.  I had things to do, errands to run.  
   I took a drive over to the mall.  I wanted to check out the book store to see if they had anything I might like.  I picked up "The Lincoln Lawyer".  I'll read it after I finish "True Grit".  I've gotten in to the habit of reading books that are made into movies.  Why?  Because we rarely go out to movies anymore.  Normally, we wait for when they come to On Demand.  Its nice to watch them in the comfort of our living room.  The floors aren't sticky and I know the bathrooms are clean.  
   Afterwards, I hit the grocery store.  Milk, yogurt, bananas...let's see, am I forgetting anything?  Pepper cheese.  My husband loves pepper cheese.  At $6.49 for 5.2oz, it shows I love my husband.  Its the little things that count.  Mac and cheese... Mmmm...honey Chobani.  Don't get distracted.  Stick to the list.  Its getting late.  I have to get home so I can blog.  
   To get back to today's topic (and the reason for the photo), the big news around these parts is the upcoming Cherry Blossom Festival (ha ha, I sound just like the girl in "True Grit").  When are the buds going to be in full bloom?  When are the tourists going to descend on Washington, DC?  They may be here now.  I have no idea.  We've lived in this area three times, for a total of ten years and I have never been to a Cherry Blossom Festival.  I am sure the trees are lovely.  If you know me, you know...I love trees.  But I don't do well in crowds, so I avoid DC this time of year.  Its not just me though.  Our youngest has allergies.  He is a mess when the pollen count is high.  With his red eyes and sneezing, its not a good idea to be outside in the Spring.
   We've all had our share of issues with allergies.  I have a friend with allergies to seafood.  Another who would swear she is allergic to vegetables.  : )
   When I was a kid, my mother would have to set me up at a separate table because my father drowned his food in vinegar.  When I sat at the table with him, my eyes would itch, my throat would feel scratchy, and breathing was difficult.  She thought it would be simpler just to move me to another room.  I still have the problems with vinegar, but its easier to avoid now that I am older.  They tested me when I was in the Army, but I never took medication for it.  What would they have done, really?   I just have to read labels and avoid it.  How hard can that be?  At social functions where they insist on putting it on salad, I ask for one without.  At Easter, my husband is in charge of dying the eggs.  Someone once broke a bottle at the grocery store.  I had to leave.  Maybe its just a food sensitivity, but I have to really watch it.  It can also trigger those nasty migraines.  I recently found out that my brother has the same issue.  Perhaps its genetic.  
   I don't think my husband is allergic to anything in particular, but let me tell you...when he starts sneezing, it seems like he won't ever stop.  He just goes on and on.  Eventually, he has to tell us to stop saying God Bless You.  I guess if you sneeze more than two or three times, its an automatic blessing.  
   This time of year, every other commercial seems to be about allergy medications.  As I watch the cherry blossoms in and around where we live, I know they will soon begin telling us the day's pollen count.  I know my car will turn yellow.  I know, like many others, I will be saying, "Achoo."     

1 comment:

  1. I'm allergic to trees and toilet paper...UGGG!
