I always talk about what I do to workout, but I am constantly being asked what I eat. The truth is I have only a few basic rules when it comes to healthy living.
Rule Number 1 - Whatever it is, be it good or bad, log it. Its very easy to forget how much water you've had during the day. I think we all agree that water is important. Did you exercise today? What did you do? If you write it down, you will always know where you stand.
For example, I know for a fact that by noon today, I had had five glasses of water, one cup of decaf coffee, a whey protein smoothie with blueberries, raspberries and blackberries (minus the banana), and a plain Chobani Greek Yogurt with 1/2 tspn Nutella and Vanilla Almond Bear Naked Granola and a handful of low calorie Fiber One cereal (no milk) as a snack.
I did five miles on the treadmill, fifty push ups and one hundred sit ups, but I stopped there and ran some errands. My back was hurting. I did some yoga stretches for my back and walked four more miles while running errands.
Rule Number 2 - It all counts. Did I take my vitamins? Did I go up and down the stairs putting away clothes (I always split the laundry into piles..his, his, hers, and linen closet. Then, I put them away in separate trips up the stairs. I don't like stairs...hurts my knees. But, I do them. As I said, it all counts.
Rule Number 3 - Certain things are always going to be naughty (you know what they are). Eat/Drink them in moderation. Try eating your hummus with sliced peppers, carrots, etc. instead of crackers. If you want bread, lean towards whole grains. Rice? Go for whole grain brown. I like cheese, but I try to stick to the white cheeses. I'm told the yellow cheeses are not as healthy. Stay away from anything with thick, rich buttery sauces. Remember, even sugar free chocolates have calories. Try to limit it to one or two pieces a day.
Rule Number 4 - Eat frequent small portions. I try not to eat big meals on a regular basis (Thanksgiving should be interesting). As a matter of fact, when my husband is away on his work trips, I don't really cook. I eat absolutely no meat and I fill up on veggies.
Rule Number 5 - Snack healthy. Keep fruit handy. Fresh is always best, but frozen will do if fresh isn't available. Craving chips? How about sweet potato chips? They are loaded with vitamins. If you are going away for the holidays, don't forget to pack granola bars, protein bars, bottled water, apples, etc. And if you must eat at those rest stops, seek out the healthier options. They are out there...believe me. You don't have to eat unhealthy while traveling. Junk food may be easy, but healthy food can be easy as well. Nothing but Sbarro, Big Boy, Nathan's, BK, and Roy Rogers? How about a salad? Big Boy has build your own omelets Nathan's has char-grilled chicken sandwiches and Roy Roger's now has fresh wraps. You don't have to make unhealthy choices.
Rule Number 6 - Get plenty of rest. If your body needs it, take a nap (though not if you are are driving). There is no shame in taking a nap. I don't know where this idea that napping was for only for children and house pets came from. Sleep has restorative and curative powers and if you aren't getting enough at night, your body with crave it just like it craves anything else its missing. The difference between napping and the other stuff (like sweets and salts) is...napping won't make you gain weight. It will only make you more alert and more focused. I'll bet if will even do wonders to help you control your eating habits.
Rule Number 7 - Exercise. Exercise. Exercise. Choose something you like and it won't feel like hard work. Find your passion. Me? I love to walk, so I walk. What do you love to do?
These are my rules. You probably have a few of your own. Maybe you don't buy junk food. Perhaps, you make your own lunch. Trying low carb, low sodium, low fat, or low sugar? Your rules may be developed around a certain medical condition or just the pursuit of a lower number on the bathroom scale.
Mine? They are based on my life experiences, recommendations from friends, family, and doctors as well as my personal research. And when all else fails, I learn plenty just by watching "The Big Bang Theory".