Yesterday was the day we flew through the air on the Zip Line. Actually there were four total zip lines, each varying in height and distance. We showed up early. I'm always early. (ask my husband). The cashier was nice enough to stow my junk away behind the desk so I wouldn't have to pay for a locker. Everyone was extremely nice. They kept joking about the equipment and things that could wrong. "That's a new line. It hasn't been tested yet". In our little group of eight, there were three mom's (myself included), four boys on or near my son's age, and one terrified little girl. We were told to pee first, before the gear went on..8 pounds of gear that is. After it was on, I understood. I was quickly taken back to my youth, the times I had repelled. I felt strangely out of uniform. One of the mom's made the comment that she was too old for all this. When she said she was 47, I laughed. As it turned out, we were nearly born on the same day in August. Me? I didn't feel old. My stomach was a bit jittery though. I wondered if I should have gone pee a second time. I always have to pee when I'm nervous. We rode up the hill to our first stop, the training area, where we were given a crash course on the zip line. It was all pretty easy. One guide acted as a passer, and one as a receiver. The instructor guide asked if anyone was afraid of heights. About half the group raised their hands. He said he would work on that. Questions were answered and we were on the way. Up the rope and across a bridge. I maneuvered through this part easily, even in my Shape Ups (they go everywhere with me). The guides shook the rope and the bridge to make they sway. I just laughed. I was still flashing back to my old Army days. Somehow, it made the butterflies in my stomach go away and freed me to just enjoy the moment. We went through the course quickly. The ladies took photos (except me..I had no pockets for the camera). The little girl screamed and cried. I felt bad for her. She was a nervous wreck. I tried to calm her down getting her to take deep breaths. The boys had a ball. My son claimed to be afraid of heights, but you never would have known it. He was smiling the whole time. Several times on the platform, we would test our courage by leaning all the way over the edge. I was the first to do it after the guides. I waved my arms, "Look, no hands". I knew you just had to trust your equipment. Near the end of the course, the guide looked at me and said, "You should work here." I smiled and said, "Its a little far from home. The commute would be quite a challenge." When it was over, I was ready to do it again. I felt like the old me again and I liked it.
Back in the room, I confessed to my son that I too was scared of heights. "I'd never of guessed." I just smiled. I knew that on zip line day, my son got to see a different side of his he never knew...the fearless woman she once was..back in the day.
After our adventure, played four games of pool (which he won) and took a drive around on the go carts. We were planning on watching a movie, but a new "Mythbusters" was on. I try never to keep him from his "Mythbusters".
This morning, I rolled over at 0730hrs on the dot. After yesterdays adventure, I felt invigorated. So, I went to gym. I did 300 repetitions of weights and four miles on the treadmill at an incline. When I returned to the room, we headed to the water park. I did the slide, the tube rides, etc. I climbed over a thousand stair steps today. Right now, I am sitting here, wrapped in towel, soaked to the bone. I guess I should hop in the shower. My hair is all a frizz and its nearing the time for our nightly pool challenge. Maybe one of these nights, I'll beat him. And...if I don' worries. This time together has been priceless.
Confucius said, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." I decided to stop making excuses. I stopped saying "I can't". I can and I did. In 2011, I have now walked more than one thousand miles. In an effort to help others as well as myself, I donated a thousand dollars to "Homes For Our Troops". But, I'm not done. I'm still walking. Won't you join me on my journey? Together, we can eat healthier, exercise more, and maybe give just a bit of ourselves to those less fortunate.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Conquering Old Fears
Yesterday was a big day. After the gym experience, I came back to the room. Once my son and I got going, we were difficult to stop. We played 18 holes of mini golf, drove the go-carts, slid down the hill on the summer tube ride, and later...we hit the water park.
I should mention that he creamed me in mini golf. No excuses there. Its just not my game. But we did have fun. The go carts shake when they go fast. I once had a car that did that, but that doesn't mean I like it. I might leave future go carting to my son. Then again, I like going fast. When we headed over to the hill for the summer tubing, I worried a bit. The last time we were here (several years ago), the tube ride aggravated the injury to my back and pretty much put me out of the fun for the whole day. I told myself this vacation was all about letting go of fear. And that included the fear of getting injured. "Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game", right? (Movie quote from "A Cinderella Story"). So, we rode down the tube ride a few times. I spun around. I went so fast, I felt like I was flying. In the end, my back felt fine.
We came back to the room for lunch, and then headed over to the water park for a few hours. Over and over again, we went up the stairs for the tube rides. We had a great time. My favorite tube was the one that was pitch dark. It was calming. We went to the outside portion of the park to check out the wave pool. I looked over and saw a massive slide. "We have to do that." So, we detoured around the wave pool and picked up slide mats. On the way up the steep staircase, we looked at each other. Having never done this ride before, we were both nervous. We were nervous, yet excited. We got to the top. What had we done? We had no clue as to how to go down this ride...and get was face first! I asked a teenage girl who had ridden before how she lay on this thing (the mat with handles). She gave me a quick lesson and off we went. What a ride! It was totally awesome. Okay, that sounded very immature. It was exhilarating and quite refreshing. Better? After the water park, we cleaned up and went out to a nice dinner. Very nice, because in the end, my son pulled out his money and paid. : )
This morning, I made it to the gym again. I just got on the treadmill, watched CNN, and imagined I was home.
Well, I'd better go. Today, we are doing the Zip line...How many feet up is that? 474? Ugh... Just one more fear to conquer. More on the zip line adventure tomorrow.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Lessons Learned
Yesterday, we spent a good four hours at the water park. We climbed stairs over and over to ride the tube rides. Amazingly, I wasn't hurting. I had expected to feel those familiar twinges in the back, and even more so in my knees. But the twinges never came. Surprisingly, I kept up with our thirteen year old. It was 1400hrs when we both decided we were hungry. I had had my protein drink (the room has a blender) and a Greek yogurt before we left the room. I had filled the room with all his favorite healthy foods, but my son had decided he could get by with his usual pop tart breakfast. We were standing in the line when he started to feel dizzy. One minute he was standing there talking about getting nachos and Gatorade, the next he was heavy in my arms. I thought he was goofing around at first. He wasn't. He was passing out. His body was telling him he had reached the age when he would have to start eating better. We sat down for a few minutes. When he was feeling better, we went back to the room and had a long talk. He drank water and he ate. You know, you can buy all the right foods, but you can't force feed teenagers. They have minds of their own. Regardless of efforts to be the good parent, the positive role model, they will eat what they want. Somehow I knew that from know on, after learning this valuable lesson, he would listen to mom and dad when they say, "you have to eat better".
By the early evening, he was feeling better. We went for a quick ride on the go carts. I thought, at a buffet dinner, he might eat better, but as it turned out, well...I'll never go there again. The food, though plentiful, was literally soaked in butter and grease. I picked at the veggies and had a small piece of key lime pie. The pie wasn't bad. I had had so little of the buffet, I felt no guilt from eating the pie. We played in the arcade a bit, then came back to the room to watch a movie together. It was a short night, I guess, but I wanted to keep an eye on him.
This morning, I managed to get to the gym. I don't really like going to public gyms. Maybe I'm a bit paranoid, but it always seems that I am being watched. I got on a free treadmill, but couldn't figure out how to make the darn thing work. Ugh. I missed our treadmill. I went over to the elliptical for a while, until the bigger treadmills were open. Once I got on, I did two miles (I didn't want to hog the equipment in a crowded gym). I did 300 weight repetitions (I was the only one lifting the smaller weights). I lay out a mat, locked my feet under some equipment not in use, and did 100 sit ups. Then I rolled over and did 50 push ups. I decided against the butt lifts. Too erotic for a public gym. And remember, I was already uncomfortable thinking I was being watched.
Once back in room, I asked my youngest (still in his pajamas) if he had eaten. He just flashed me a smile...which meant "No". "Well, don't you think you should?" He got up and had a pop tart. But this time, he also added a carnation instant breakfast and some fresh sliced cantelope. I am going to have to watch that one. We got dressed, went out and played a game of mini golf AKA putt putt. Doing that, I managed to walk another two miles (brought my pedometer today). Right now, we are in the middle of deciding between summer tubing ride or heading back to the water park. I'm thinking we might also return to the go carts. He loved the go carts.
By the early evening, he was feeling better. We went for a quick ride on the go carts. I thought, at a buffet dinner, he might eat better, but as it turned out, well...I'll never go there again. The food, though plentiful, was literally soaked in butter and grease. I picked at the veggies and had a small piece of key lime pie. The pie wasn't bad. I had had so little of the buffet, I felt no guilt from eating the pie. We played in the arcade a bit, then came back to the room to watch a movie together. It was a short night, I guess, but I wanted to keep an eye on him.
This morning, I managed to get to the gym. I don't really like going to public gyms. Maybe I'm a bit paranoid, but it always seems that I am being watched. I got on a free treadmill, but couldn't figure out how to make the darn thing work. Ugh. I missed our treadmill. I went over to the elliptical for a while, until the bigger treadmills were open. Once I got on, I did two miles (I didn't want to hog the equipment in a crowded gym). I did 300 weight repetitions (I was the only one lifting the smaller weights). I lay out a mat, locked my feet under some equipment not in use, and did 100 sit ups. Then I rolled over and did 50 push ups. I decided against the butt lifts. Too erotic for a public gym. And remember, I was already uncomfortable thinking I was being watched.
Once back in room, I asked my youngest (still in his pajamas) if he had eaten. He just flashed me a smile...which meant "No". "Well, don't you think you should?" He got up and had a pop tart. But this time, he also added a carnation instant breakfast and some fresh sliced cantelope. I am going to have to watch that one. We got dressed, went out and played a game of mini golf AKA putt putt. Doing that, I managed to walk another two miles (brought my pedometer today). Right now, we are in the middle of deciding between summer tubing ride or heading back to the water park. I'm thinking we might also return to the go carts. He loved the go carts.
Monday, June 27, 2011
The Mountain Getaway
Dad had to work, but I desperately needed a break from the day to day routine I had established. So, we packed up the car and headed to the mountains for a short excursion. I have always loved this part of Virginia, and as we got closer and closer, I remembered why. We saw no less than a half dozen dear grazing along the roads. As we drove by, they would glance up as us, absolutely no fear of human contact. I wanted to stop and take photos. My son says,"Mom. Come on. Don't disturb. Its nature." He is so "my son." We signed in to our room and proceeded to unpack. We established that we had a solid wifi connection and verified that there was HBO ("True blood" season premiere at 2100hrs). So far, so good. We had dinner at the "Fareways" Restaurant right off a beautiful golf course (I don't play golf, but it looked like a nice). After I was handed a wine list, I was quickly reminded of my promise that this short vacation was to be a dry one. Teenagers remember everything. Oh well. No wine. I had water instead. After dinner, we took a short walk up to the recreation center and played a game of pool/billiards. It was close but, in the end, I lost to the thirteen year old. The only part that really mattered was that he believed I threw the game in his favor. Its important that he thought I was better. We came home early. I don't like driving after dark until I had reconned the area.
After "True blood", I watched "The Glades". After "The Glades", I watched "Last Holiday", a Queen Latifah film. After that, I tried to sleep. But sleep was difficult. The bed was harder than I am used to and as with most nights, I was hypersensitive to outside noises. I may have gotten 4 hours of sleep. I woke early and visited the in room coffee maker. It was not my usual "Keurig". I had brought the old type of coffee along, but when I approached it, I soon realized I had forgotten how to operate it. I mean, how many scoops or tablespoons do you put in? Ugh. So, I called my husband who was on his way out the door for work. "Honey, how many scoops do I put in those old coffee makers?" He quickly asked about the size (a 10 or 12 cup), then set me on the right path. Still, I made the coffee too strong. Luckily, it was decaf mud.
Our youngest was still sleeping at this point,and I was getting anxious. I got dressed and went for a short walk outside. The mountain air was cool and refreshing. After only a mile or so, I found it difficult to breathe easily. I had forgotten my pedometer, so today, I would not log the miles. I decided not to get upset about it. After all, I had walked yesterday. This little trip is not about logging miles. Today will be all about the waterpark. I will climb stairs and swim. I will use muscles I rarely use. I am glad its not deep. Did I mention I am not the best swimmer?
After "True blood", I watched "The Glades". After "The Glades", I watched "Last Holiday", a Queen Latifah film. After that, I tried to sleep. But sleep was difficult. The bed was harder than I am used to and as with most nights, I was hypersensitive to outside noises. I may have gotten 4 hours of sleep. I woke early and visited the in room coffee maker. It was not my usual "Keurig". I had brought the old type of coffee along, but when I approached it, I soon realized I had forgotten how to operate it. I mean, how many scoops or tablespoons do you put in? Ugh. So, I called my husband who was on his way out the door for work. "Honey, how many scoops do I put in those old coffee makers?" He quickly asked about the size (a 10 or 12 cup), then set me on the right path. Still, I made the coffee too strong. Luckily, it was decaf mud.
Our youngest was still sleeping at this point,and I was getting anxious. I got dressed and went for a short walk outside. The mountain air was cool and refreshing. After only a mile or so, I found it difficult to breathe easily. I had forgotten my pedometer, so today, I would not log the miles. I decided not to get upset about it. After all, I had walked yesterday. This little trip is not about logging miles. Today will be all about the waterpark. I will climb stairs and swim. I will use muscles I rarely use. I am glad its not deep. Did I mention I am not the best swimmer?
Sunday, June 26, 2011
You Know You Have Become A Health Nut When...
You know you have become a health nut when you chug down a whey protein smoothie in no time, but can't seem to finish a seven and seven. Last night, I did just that. Cocktail time. Something cool and refreshing to have with our chicken, mixed pepper, avocado, and sliced tomato whole wheat fajitas (with black beans on the side). During the meal, I drank two large refreshing glasses of water with crushed ice, but, I couldn't seem to finish my drink...
Who am I? What happened to the part owner of a home with its own basement pub? Have I transitioned into someone else? A non drinker? Maybe I'm heading that way, but I still like my glass of red wine now and then.
In the end, the ice melted in my little cocktail. I sighed, and poured out what was left. I made another glass of water.
When I woke the next morning (Sunday), all I could think of was working out. Wait a second...its Sunday. I don't work out on Sundays. I tried to fight the urge, but my body coerced me (it does that) into dressed in my Monday-Friday morning clothes...athletic attire that is. I had my one decaf hazelnut flavored coffee with soy creamer and truvia, two large glasses of water, and headed downstairs. I couldn't help myself. It just feels so good. Never in my lifetime did I ever believe I could become virtually addicted to health and fitness. I guess there are worse things to get addicted to, right? After I walked my five miles, I came down and made a whey protein fruit smoothie. Yum. I am now ready for the day. Tonight, the new season of "True blood" begins. Maybe tonight, I'll use the Fangtasia glass instead. Maybe I will mix myself a red tropical fruit whey protein and pretend its O negative. Ha ha...Weird though it may be, it definitely beats that cocktail. At least I get my protein and fiber.
Who am I? What happened to the part owner of a home with its own basement pub? Have I transitioned into someone else? A non drinker? Maybe I'm heading that way, but I still like my glass of red wine now and then.
In the end, the ice melted in my little cocktail. I sighed, and poured out what was left. I made another glass of water.
When I woke the next morning (Sunday), all I could think of was working out. Wait a second...its Sunday. I don't work out on Sundays. I tried to fight the urge, but my body coerced me (it does that) into dressed in my Monday-Friday morning clothes...athletic attire that is. I had my one decaf hazelnut flavored coffee with soy creamer and truvia, two large glasses of water, and headed downstairs. I couldn't help myself. It just feels so good. Never in my lifetime did I ever believe I could become virtually addicted to health and fitness. I guess there are worse things to get addicted to, right? After I walked my five miles, I came down and made a whey protein fruit smoothie. Yum. I am now ready for the day. Tonight, the new season of "True blood" begins. Maybe tonight, I'll use the Fangtasia glass instead. Maybe I will mix myself a red tropical fruit whey protein and pretend its O negative. Ha ha...Weird though it may be, it definitely beats that cocktail. At least I get my protein and fiber.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
What Happens When The Year Is Over?
Last night, my husband and I met our friends at Winestyles Afterwards, we had a wonderful dinner at Giorgio's next door. While we were waiting on our table, I asked my husband to order the hummus plate. I had a craving for hummus. I love hummus. Anyway, he mistakenly asked another customer if she would bring us the appetizer. She laughed and told him she didn't work there. From the way she was dressed, all in black, she could have easily passed for one of the waitresses.
We moved over to the restaurant area and ordered our dinners. As always, we began with the flaming cheese (Saganaki). I ordered a salad with dressing on side. I have become so accustomed to the darker leafy lettuces, I just pick at lighter salads. They bore me. Mostly, I ate the feta and the cucumber, then set it aside. After everything I've read about portion size and calories, I rarely if ever add the dressing. What's the point if it adds nothing and costs so much in empty calories? For my entree, I had the Salmon, veggies, and rice. The wine was flowing, but I only had the one small sampling glass. I knew, in the end, I would be the designated driver.
The lady my husband had mistaken for the waitress earlier in the evening came over to our table in the restaurant. My husband turned around and jokingly asked "Are you ready to take our order?" She smiled and laughed. The waitress was standing next to her. She grabbed the waitresses pad and pen and pretended to write. It was hilarious. She fit right in to our group's usual sense of humor. Had she not been there with her own friends, we might very well have invited her to join us. She was dressed in the strangest clothes, not what you would expect for a wine tasting and/or dinner. The folks I hang out with aren't what you would call shy, so it came as no surprise that someone asked why she was dressed the way she was.
Turned out, she had come straight from work. She was a personal trainer. Seeing her made me wonder what happens when the year is over? Six hundred and fifty six miles into my personal journey, it has finally hit me. What will I do after I have accomplished my blog goal of 1000 miles in 2011 (or further)? Where do I go from there? I know I will continue to work out. I love the way I feel now. I love the fact that my body is lighter, stronger, and if I do get injured, I recover almost immediately. My headaches are virtually gone. I cannot remember the last time I had a back spasm. Even my digestive system seems to be back on track. Pain pills are no longer part of my vocabulary anymore. Now I talk vitamins and whey protein. Perimenopause? Yeah, right. I haven't had a symptom of that in ages. In eating better and through my commitment to exercise, I feel like I have discovered the fountain of youth.
But, once its all over, where do I go next? What will be this broken old soldier's next mission? Once, at a ceremony for a friend, someone mentioned my coming to their military installation and whipping their overweight soldiers back into shape. I took it as joke, but could I actually do that? Another friend asked if I could come speak to her military spouse's group. I would do that in a heart beat. Honestly, I would love to do it all. I really love the idea of helping others who struggle with the same issues I do. I guess I need to research, ask around. Maybe I need to get some classes. Officially, my Bachelor's degree is in counseling. Would I even be able to attend classes? Where? And at what cost? Would I have to do them on-line? And what would be the end state of taking classes? The idea of working as a personal trainer or motivational speaker intrigues me, but even with training, could I overcome my anxieties, my issues, enough to manage that face to face contact on such a obviously physical level? Have I come far enough to actually return to work? Until then, I will do what I do best...keep writing and hope the world is reading.
We moved over to the restaurant area and ordered our dinners. As always, we began with the flaming cheese (Saganaki). I ordered a salad with dressing on side. I have become so accustomed to the darker leafy lettuces, I just pick at lighter salads. They bore me. Mostly, I ate the feta and the cucumber, then set it aside. After everything I've read about portion size and calories, I rarely if ever add the dressing. What's the point if it adds nothing and costs so much in empty calories? For my entree, I had the Salmon, veggies, and rice. The wine was flowing, but I only had the one small sampling glass. I knew, in the end, I would be the designated driver.
The lady my husband had mistaken for the waitress earlier in the evening came over to our table in the restaurant. My husband turned around and jokingly asked "Are you ready to take our order?" She smiled and laughed. The waitress was standing next to her. She grabbed the waitresses pad and pen and pretended to write. It was hilarious. She fit right in to our group's usual sense of humor. Had she not been there with her own friends, we might very well have invited her to join us. She was dressed in the strangest clothes, not what you would expect for a wine tasting and/or dinner. The folks I hang out with aren't what you would call shy, so it came as no surprise that someone asked why she was dressed the way she was.
Turned out, she had come straight from work. She was a personal trainer. Seeing her made me wonder what happens when the year is over? Six hundred and fifty six miles into my personal journey, it has finally hit me. What will I do after I have accomplished my blog goal of 1000 miles in 2011 (or further)? Where do I go from there? I know I will continue to work out. I love the way I feel now. I love the fact that my body is lighter, stronger, and if I do get injured, I recover almost immediately. My headaches are virtually gone. I cannot remember the last time I had a back spasm. Even my digestive system seems to be back on track. Pain pills are no longer part of my vocabulary anymore. Now I talk vitamins and whey protein. Perimenopause? Yeah, right. I haven't had a symptom of that in ages. In eating better and through my commitment to exercise, I feel like I have discovered the fountain of youth.
But, once its all over, where do I go next? What will be this broken old soldier's next mission? Once, at a ceremony for a friend, someone mentioned my coming to their military installation and whipping their overweight soldiers back into shape. I took it as joke, but could I actually do that? Another friend asked if I could come speak to her military spouse's group. I would do that in a heart beat. Honestly, I would love to do it all. I really love the idea of helping others who struggle with the same issues I do. I guess I need to research, ask around. Maybe I need to get some classes. Officially, my Bachelor's degree is in counseling. Would I even be able to attend classes? Where? And at what cost? Would I have to do them on-line? And what would be the end state of taking classes? The idea of working as a personal trainer or motivational speaker intrigues me, but even with training, could I overcome my anxieties, my issues, enough to manage that face to face contact on such a obviously physical level? Have I come far enough to actually return to work? Until then, I will do what I do best...keep writing and hope the world is reading.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Everyone Has Their Own Fitness Journey To Take
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First Lady Michelle Obama and The Most Reverend Dr. Desmond Tutu |
I love this photo and I love what our first lady is doing. In the pursuit of getting the message out on health and fitness, she is a force to be reckoned with. Here she is with Desmond Tutu, on the floor, doing push ups. I mean, how awesome is that? I had to smile when I watched this on television. She does great push ups...Army style. Dr. Tutu needs some work.
This morning, I went for a walk in the neighborhood. I wanted to get out of the house. I knew it would be hot and humid, but I was getting bored with the treadmill. In the end, I only did four and half miles. But it was worth it. I saw some very interesting people along the way.
For such a hot muggy morning, there seemed to be a lot of people out. The first person I saw was a jogger. She was wearing one of those skin tight running outfits, the ones I wouldn't have the nerve to wear. She was in great shape. Sometimes, when I think back, I actually miss running. Then I saw a man walking his dog. Most folks pull their dogs close when walkers pass. He didn't. His dog was probably friendly but, after that one bit me last year on the thigh, I don't take any chances. I steered away, walked up on the grass until I passed them. I passed another man out walking. He appeared to have some sort of mental disability. He passed me twice and never looked up. He walked with a limp, but it didn't slow him down. Two teenage boys passed by me on bicycles. One waved and smiled. The other was engrossed in his music. I saw a man in a turban with a long white beard riding his bike. His shirt and pants were long and baggy. I wondered if he had ever had issues with getting them caught in the chain. There was a jogger, a man of a certain age (probably in his 50's), a little poofy at the middle. And later two ladies, closer to my age, out walking at a leisurely pace and chatting.
All of us out there today were on a personal fitness journey. Some, like the first jogger I saw, are fitness experts. Some, are trying to build strength in the broken heal physically and/or emotionally. Some just want to hang with friends and enjoy all life has to offer. Whatever road each person takes, it doesn't really matter. The point is we have begun the journey and we are committed to it.
We can all do something in the pursuit of better health. The first step is the most difficult. After that, you need only take one step at a time. Slowly you find yourself achieving more and more each day. You make better choices. If you stick to it, eventually, you become stronger, you become a more fit individual. You become a role model to the young and the not so young. I think even Desmond Tutu was pretty impressed with the first lady and her amazing push ups. And they obviously are paying off. She has great arms. You know, not everyone is an athlete, but with a little courage and determination, we can all lead a more active healthy life. What would you like to do on your fitness journey? Would you like to walk, run, ride a bike, dance, golf, swim, play with the kids?
Well, I'd better go. The first lady made me feel guilty. I have not yet done my push ups today. What do you think? Fifty?
Well, I'd better go. The first lady made me feel guilty. I have not yet done my push ups today. What do you think? Fifty?
Thursday, June 23, 2011
I See Unhealthy People
When we went down to see my mom this past weekend, she asked me how much I weighed. I don't usually bring it up unless asked. To me, its more about how I feel. And right now, I feel strong. I told her the truth. She smiled and said "I want to get down to what you weigh." According to her, she weighs about 7 pounds more than my current weight. "Mom, don't focus on the numbers. Focus on the strength. You need to build your strength." She said, "You look like Popeye. Do you eat lots of spinach?" Then she crinkled up her nose. "I don't like spinach." "Yes, mom...I love spinach." Then I flexed my muscles and smiled. "You have to eat your spinach if you are going to be like me."
I know my mom will never eat spinach. She'd much rather have her treats, like chocolate. And at 83, I honestly believe she should be able to eat whatever she wants. However, looking back over my childhood years, I know my mom was never really what you would call a healthy woman. And now, at so fragile a place, I knew she would be fighting for every year she had left. It broke my heart because I knew, had she made better choices, she could practically live forever. Many do. I see them every morning on "The Today Show." Willard Scott and "Smuckers" announcing all those folks having their 100th (or more) birthdays.
As we left the facility, we passed patients gathered around for their weekly church service. I'm sure many were hard of hearing, but they did their best to focus on what the pastor was saying. So many dealing the effects of age related illnesses. What really surprised me was the nurses. Here they were in a rehabilitation facility, dedicated to getting well, and not one of them I saw was healthy.
I remembered, not long ago, when I went to our local clinic. The nurse asked me how I was feeling (I think its a required question). "I feel great." She gave me a strange look. I mean, why was I there if I felt great? The clinic wasn't for folks that felt great. I suddenly felt as if I were wasting her time.
The truth was, I was there to get weaned off the migraine meds I was on and I wanted them to recommend a good multivitamin that wouldn't make me gag. I don't like the horse pills. If I can get smaller ones, I prefer them. Before I stepped on the scale, I proudly told the nurse that I'd been working out hard and eating better. I had lost quite a bit of weight. I don't think she was listening, because the first thing she asked was if I had a thyroid problem.
I should mention that she herself was overweight. Ugh. Come on. Have we become so used to seeing unhealthy people, we think those who are health conscious are sick? When it was time for me to wait on my vitamin prescription at the pharmacy, I looked around. All around me, I saw unhealthy people. And I'm not talking about the patients. I am talking about the employees.
For my height, a healthy weight ranges between 108 and 145. Let's face it. I was 137 for many years. I know my body. At 5'4", that weight was too heavy for me. I was tired all the time. I had high cholesterol, chronic fatigue syndrome, etc...and in 2002, I was officially diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.
The symptoms aren't that different from the Gulf War Illness, but since my Army doctors didn't believe in GWI, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. No worries. They had no determination as to the causes of Gulf War Illness, and they had to blame something for my problems. Lately, I've been seeing television commercials looking for possible recipients for studies in Juvenile Fibromyalgia. That's it. Now our children are stricken.
As someone who has dealt with many of these symptoms since Desert Storm, try this on for size. Before you jump into some life long commitment to prescription medications, try changing you diet and start exercising regularly. For my Fibromyalgia (and/or GWI), I am living "a life un-medicated". Sure, I still have it, whatever it is, but I am managing it in a healthy proactive way. Maybe, if I'm careful and make good choices as I grow older, I won't ever have to take meds for this.
You know, I hate to admit it, but we are an unhealthy nation. I know we have unlimited freedoms, but must we choose to be unhealthy? We eat what we want even if we know its horrible for our bodies. We spend too much time sitting and not enough time moving. A quarter of the nation is overweight or obese. And the percentages grow worse every year. From what I've seen, many of those who are supposed to set the example (like for care professionals) suffer the same issues as those they treat. Let's be better role models to our children. Let's stop the madness. Let's say, "I can...and I will live smarter." Let's share ideas for getting fit. Let's go for a walk. Let's eat our spinach. And let's change those statistics for the better. After all, no one really wants to be unhealthy, right?
I know my mom will never eat spinach. She'd much rather have her treats, like chocolate. And at 83, I honestly believe she should be able to eat whatever she wants. However, looking back over my childhood years, I know my mom was never really what you would call a healthy woman. And now, at so fragile a place, I knew she would be fighting for every year she had left. It broke my heart because I knew, had she made better choices, she could practically live forever. Many do. I see them every morning on "The Today Show." Willard Scott and "Smuckers" announcing all those folks having their 100th (or more) birthdays.
As we left the facility, we passed patients gathered around for their weekly church service. I'm sure many were hard of hearing, but they did their best to focus on what the pastor was saying. So many dealing the effects of age related illnesses. What really surprised me was the nurses. Here they were in a rehabilitation facility, dedicated to getting well, and not one of them I saw was healthy.
I remembered, not long ago, when I went to our local clinic. The nurse asked me how I was feeling (I think its a required question). "I feel great." She gave me a strange look. I mean, why was I there if I felt great? The clinic wasn't for folks that felt great. I suddenly felt as if I were wasting her time.
The truth was, I was there to get weaned off the migraine meds I was on and I wanted them to recommend a good multivitamin that wouldn't make me gag. I don't like the horse pills. If I can get smaller ones, I prefer them. Before I stepped on the scale, I proudly told the nurse that I'd been working out hard and eating better. I had lost quite a bit of weight. I don't think she was listening, because the first thing she asked was if I had a thyroid problem.
For my height, a healthy weight ranges between 108 and 145. Let's face it. I was 137 for many years. I know my body. At 5'4", that weight was too heavy for me. I was tired all the time. I had high cholesterol, chronic fatigue syndrome, etc...and in 2002, I was officially diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.
The symptoms aren't that different from the Gulf War Illness, but since my Army doctors didn't believe in GWI, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. No worries. They had no determination as to the causes of Gulf War Illness, and they had to blame something for my problems. Lately, I've been seeing television commercials looking for possible recipients for studies in Juvenile Fibromyalgia. That's it. Now our children are stricken.
As someone who has dealt with many of these symptoms since Desert Storm, try this on for size. Before you jump into some life long commitment to prescription medications, try changing you diet and start exercising regularly. For my Fibromyalgia (and/or GWI), I am living "a life un-medicated". Sure, I still have it, whatever it is, but I am managing it in a healthy proactive way. Maybe, if I'm careful and make good choices as I grow older, I won't ever have to take meds for this.
You know, I hate to admit it, but we are an unhealthy nation. I know we have unlimited freedoms, but must we choose to be unhealthy? We eat what we want even if we know its horrible for our bodies. We spend too much time sitting and not enough time moving. A quarter of the nation is overweight or obese. And the percentages grow worse every year. From what I've seen, many of those who are supposed to set the example (like for care professionals) suffer the same issues as those they treat. Let's be better role models to our children. Let's stop the madness. Let's say, "I can...and I will live smarter." Let's share ideas for getting fit. Let's go for a walk. Let's eat our spinach. And let's change those statistics for the better. After all, no one really wants to be unhealthy, right?
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
When Its Hot And Sticky
When we returned from visiting my mom on Sunday, I told my husband not to mow the lawn. It was Father's Day, and somehow it just didn't seem right for him to have to mow the lawn on Father's Day. Besides, we were all exhausted from the long drive. I told him we (our son and I) would take care of it during the week. I know he didn't believe I would really do it. I mean, I've mowed the lawn once this year, and it was cooler then. We've been averaging in the 90's.
We've been going through that typical Virginia weather lately. One minute, its raining and another, its just plain hot and sticky. The weatherman said we should expect rain off and on throughout the week. I honestly didn't know when we would get to the lawn. Yesterday, I heard the neighbor's mowing theirs. I figured it was dry enough. So, I called our youngest back home (he was with friends) and we went out. I mowed two sides. Our son mowed two sides. He later informed me he would've mowed all of it. I said, "Next time, speak up so I can hear you." He came back with, "Hey mom, does this mean you get half my allowance?" Mmmm. Interesting thought. : )
The best part of mowing the lawn is watching as your husband comes home from work and sees you doing it. Priceless. I just smile as if to say, "See, I'm not totally incapable of yard work" or better still..."See, you aren't the only one who knows how to do this right. All the lines are straight." Yes, priceless moments for sure. Anyway, this morning when I woke up, I paid for that extra workout with a pain in my lower hip. Well, actually it was nearer my butt. I guess I used some muscles I haven't used in a while.
I rolled out of bed thinking I might get through some, if not all, of my morning routine. I try to always dress as if I am going to workout. Less excuses that way. Yes, even us fitness goddesses are capable of making excuses now and then. What makes us unique is our ability to shake them off and get back to what is important...maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
The cat had already been fed, but she must have known I was hurting. She came up to the top of the stairs to get me. Together, we proceeded cautiously down. My knees were hurting too. Weatherman was right. Rain is definitely on its way. I know things about the weather. I don't have formal training per se, but I have what you might call a "dowsing rod" weather reading kind of body, which would be pretty neat if it didn't come with all the aches and pains.
At first, I considered walking outside. After talking to a neighbor, who had just returned from her walk, I decided against it. It was just too hot and sticky outside. I went back in the house and hit the treadmill. Before long, I was sweating up a storm. My hip started to feel better, so I increased my incline and my speed. After I finished my five mile walk, I thought about stopping...but I didn't. After I finished 50 push ups, I thought about stopping...but I didn't. After I finished my sit ups, I thought about stopping...but I didn't. You know what? After I finished my butt lifts, I felt much better. Butt lifts felt great today. That's where the pain was. Maybe, that's what I stretch out those gluteus maximus muscles. By the time I was done, (out chatting with the neighbor, I was a bit behind my normal schedule) it was nearly 1000hrs. Still, I did 300 + arm weight repetitions. Can't skip that. No excuse. My arms aren't hurting today. Can't cheat myself. I am a terrible self tattletale.
In the end, I earned a long shower and my strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, banana, wheat germ, whey protein smoothie. Later, our youngest and I met with his dad for lunch. After what seems like forever, I finally got one those 400 calorie strawberry poppy seed and chicken seasonal salads from Panera Bread. My husband had one too. Yum. And we all had bottled water.
I can already tell its going to be a hot and sticky evening...if the rain holds off. The final boy scout fitness test is tonight. I hope they all remember to "Be Prepared" and bring water.
We've been going through that typical Virginia weather lately. One minute, its raining and another, its just plain hot and sticky. The weatherman said we should expect rain off and on throughout the week. I honestly didn't know when we would get to the lawn. Yesterday, I heard the neighbor's mowing theirs. I figured it was dry enough. So, I called our youngest back home (he was with friends) and we went out. I mowed two sides. Our son mowed two sides. He later informed me he would've mowed all of it. I said, "Next time, speak up so I can hear you." He came back with, "Hey mom, does this mean you get half my allowance?" Mmmm. Interesting thought. : )
The best part of mowing the lawn is watching as your husband comes home from work and sees you doing it. Priceless. I just smile as if to say, "See, I'm not totally incapable of yard work" or better still..."See, you aren't the only one who knows how to do this right. All the lines are straight." Yes, priceless moments for sure. Anyway, this morning when I woke up, I paid for that extra workout with a pain in my lower hip. Well, actually it was nearer my butt. I guess I used some muscles I haven't used in a while.
I rolled out of bed thinking I might get through some, if not all, of my morning routine. I try to always dress as if I am going to workout. Less excuses that way. Yes, even us fitness goddesses are capable of making excuses now and then. What makes us unique is our ability to shake them off and get back to what is important...maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
The cat had already been fed, but she must have known I was hurting. She came up to the top of the stairs to get me. Together, we proceeded cautiously down. My knees were hurting too. Weatherman was right. Rain is definitely on its way. I know things about the weather. I don't have formal training per se, but I have what you might call a "dowsing rod" weather reading kind of body, which would be pretty neat if it didn't come with all the aches and pains.
At first, I considered walking outside. After talking to a neighbor, who had just returned from her walk, I decided against it. It was just too hot and sticky outside. I went back in the house and hit the treadmill. Before long, I was sweating up a storm. My hip started to feel better, so I increased my incline and my speed. After I finished my five mile walk, I thought about stopping...but I didn't. After I finished 50 push ups, I thought about stopping...but I didn't. After I finished my sit ups, I thought about stopping...but I didn't. You know what? After I finished my butt lifts, I felt much better. Butt lifts felt great today. That's where the pain was. Maybe, that's what I stretch out those gluteus maximus muscles. By the time I was done, (out chatting with the neighbor, I was a bit behind my normal schedule) it was nearly 1000hrs. Still, I did 300 + arm weight repetitions. Can't skip that. No excuse. My arms aren't hurting today. Can't cheat myself. I am a terrible self tattletale.
In the end, I earned a long shower and my strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, banana, wheat germ, whey protein smoothie. Later, our youngest and I met with his dad for lunch. After what seems like forever, I finally got one those 400 calorie strawberry poppy seed and chicken seasonal salads from Panera Bread. My husband had one too. Yum. And we all had bottled water.
I can already tell its going to be a hot and sticky evening...if the rain holds off. The final boy scout fitness test is tonight. I hope they all remember to "Be Prepared" and bring water.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
The Baby Boomer Diet
Used to be, when I thought of the term "baby boom or baby boomer", I only thought of the 1987 Romantic Comedy starring Diane Keaton and Sam Shepard. "Baby boomers" were...well, old. That's what I thought. Until one day my husband informed me that I too was indeed a "Baby Boomer". I'm not old!
Well, you know me. I question everything. I looked it up. Turns out, baby boomers are defined as those born between (and including) 1946 and 1964. I was born in 1963. Maybe he was right. But as baby boomer's go, I am definitely on the young side. In my opinion, its important to hold on to that youth wherever you can. Is 50 the new 30? Who knows? Sometimes, I feel 20 after a good workout.
Anyway, being a baby boomer isn't so bad. They even have NABB, the National Association of Baby Boomers. Personally, I'm not quite ready to talk about what its like being a grandparent or even retirement living, but I'm sure we aren't far off. Right now, we are still at the dream stage.
I'm not ready for the rocking chair. Nowadays, my focus is staying in shape and helping others to get to where they want to be. So, this morning, on a somewhat rainy first day of summer, I found myself watching "The Today Show" after my workout...I call it research. They had a segment on what baby boomers should be eating to stay on track. They opened with "As we age, our dietary needs change". Duh. Still, I listened.
Greek yogurt for protein and calcium, red and purple berries for antioxidants, fish and omega-3's, cruciferous vegetables (cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli and similar green leafy vegetables), beans and/or hummus. Add plenty of water, and that's pretty much my regular diet (excluding a daily cup of decaf coffee and maybe a glass of wine in the evening). Just in case, I glanced over my food and exercise journal. The memory isn't what it used to be. Mmm...I think I can blame Gulf War Illness or Fybromyalgia for that one.
We all know, sometimes, its difficult to stay on track. You might be traveling a lot or just not near the fresh foods your body needs. It those instances, you just need to improvise, overcome, and adapt. For example, I keep plenty of frozen microwave veggies (the ones in the steamer/steam fresh bags) on hand. We always keep protein bars and granola bars in the house. They are filling and easy to grab when you are busy.
On vacation? Try to find a place with a refrigerator/freezer in the room. Bring your own healthier stash of foods and try to resist the urge to eat out every night. If you do have to eat out, make good choices. Don't hesitate to eat half (restaurants give huge portions) and bring the rest back to the room. Or...share an entree...its very romantic. Order double veggies instead of a filler food such as chips, white rice, pasta, or potatoes. Avoid fried foods and foods soaked in creamy sauces. Don't deny yourself dessert, just choose wisely...try something small with fresh fruit...and get spoons or forks for everyone at the table. Or have what I always have in the evening...that old favorite...sugar free Jello.
I can't wait for our next vacation. Gone are the days that I just sit it out and watch for fear of twisting my back or knees. Sure, they are still messed up, but I am stronger and smarter than I once was. This year, I am going to play like never before. I may miss out on some walking, but I'm sure I'll find other "fitness" activities to keep me busy. One thing is for sure, now that I am a participant in this life rather than merely an observer, this little "Baby Boomer" is going to spend summer acting like a kid again.
Monday, June 20, 2011
They Aren't Carrie Bradshaw's Manolo Blahnik's, But "Hello Lover"
This morning, I got up and pushed my old shape ups to take me another five miles. They went above and beyond the call of duty. I never knew how much until I walked into the sketcher's store at Potomac Mills mall today.
The salesperson informed me that the average shape up shoe is designed to last for 500 miles of walking. Mine took me more than 600 miles before I saw any signs of wear and tear. I am a demanding and frugal customer. Believe me when I say, for the money, this is one hard core shoe.
There I was staring at the racks of shape ups. At first, I had a hard time trying to decide which ones to buy. There are a lot more choices now. Shape ups come in walking shoes, running shoes, walk/run shoes, all terrain shape ups, and even ones designed for folks that spend all day on their nurses. I think my old ones were classified as "original".
I wanted something high on the calorie "burn meter", so I opted for the S2 Lite (a five out of five). They were originally $120, marked down to $79.95. I narrowed it down to two. Imagine the look on my face when I was told, at this particular store, they were buy one get one half off. Well, I figured, with as much walking as I do, it made sense to just buy both pair. I made an investment in my personal health and fitness program and I saved forty dollars.
No, you won't find me in a thousand dollar pair of high heels. But you might see me out and about burning calories, toning my muscles, and improving my posture in my brand new hot pink and black shape ups. Then again, I might also be in the navy and silver ones. Life is all about choices, and today...I made a good one.
Maybe, someday after I wear these out, Sketchers will design a camouflage shape up just for me. : )
The salesperson informed me that the average shape up shoe is designed to last for 500 miles of walking. Mine took me more than 600 miles before I saw any signs of wear and tear. I am a demanding and frugal customer. Believe me when I say, for the money, this is one hard core shoe.
There I was staring at the racks of shape ups. At first, I had a hard time trying to decide which ones to buy. There are a lot more choices now. Shape ups come in walking shoes, running shoes, walk/run shoes, all terrain shape ups, and even ones designed for folks that spend all day on their nurses. I think my old ones were classified as "original".
I wanted something high on the calorie "burn meter", so I opted for the S2 Lite (a five out of five). They were originally $120, marked down to $79.95. I narrowed it down to two. Imagine the look on my face when I was told, at this particular store, they were buy one get one half off. Well, I figured, with as much walking as I do, it made sense to just buy both pair. I made an investment in my personal health and fitness program and I saved forty dollars.
No, you won't find me in a thousand dollar pair of high heels. But you might see me out and about burning calories, toning my muscles, and improving my posture in my brand new hot pink and black shape ups. Then again, I might also be in the navy and silver ones. Life is all about choices, and today...I made a good one.
Maybe, someday after I wear these out, Sketchers will design a camouflage shape up just for me. : )
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Happy Father's Day
We headed back this morning after spending the weekend visiting my mom at the Bon Secours Nursing Rehab facility down by where I was raised. In her usual style, she was extremely appreciative that we drove down to see her, especially since this was Father's Day weekend. It was good to see her. And it was good for her to see us. Sometimes, with all our commitments, it is challenging to visit often.
We couldn't get in to our usual hotel, the Renaissance at Portside. We ended up staying in the Courtyard Mariott over in Norfolk. It was a bit of a drive, but we managed to get in five little visits over the weekend. You don't want to overdo it on a visit. It stresses the patients.
Last night, we had a mini Father's Day celebration at the MacArthur Mall with dinner at the California Pizza Kitchen. If you haven't been there in a while, check it out.
One thing is for sure, after seeing us, my mom has a goal now to get healthy again so she can come for a visit. In the mean time, she hopes to be back to her home soon. She is learning to walk using a one armed walker and the doctor says the pins in her arm can come out in three weeks.
So, now we are back home and luckily it still counts as Father's Day. I told my husband he needn't mow the lawn...that our son and I would do it later in the week. He opened the remaining presents we had waiting. Tonight, because it is Father's Day, he will decide on what we have for dinner. Everyone is tired after the drive so it looks like its going to be take out. I guess I'll get back on track tomorrow. Unfortunately, I'll have to start with a walk in my beat to heck "shape ups". Oh well... I'll get a new pair sometime this week.
We couldn't get in to our usual hotel, the Renaissance at Portside. We ended up staying in the Courtyard Mariott over in Norfolk. It was a bit of a drive, but we managed to get in five little visits over the weekend. You don't want to overdo it on a visit. It stresses the patients.
Last night, we had a mini Father's Day celebration at the MacArthur Mall with dinner at the California Pizza Kitchen. If you haven't been there in a while, check it out.
One thing is for sure, after seeing us, my mom has a goal now to get healthy again so she can come for a visit. In the mean time, she hopes to be back to her home soon. She is learning to walk using a one armed walker and the doctor says the pins in her arm can come out in three weeks.
So, now we are back home and luckily it still counts as Father's Day. I told my husband he needn't mow the lawn...that our son and I would do it later in the week. He opened the remaining presents we had waiting. Tonight, because it is Father's Day, he will decide on what we have for dinner. Everyone is tired after the drive so it looks like its going to be take out. I guess I'll get back on track tomorrow. Unfortunately, I'll have to start with a walk in my beat to heck "shape ups". Oh well... I'll get a new pair sometime this week.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
The Power Of A Hug
We drove down to visit my mom last night. She is in a rehab center recovering from a broken wrist. Walking into one of those places always makes me anxious. I am immediately taken back to previous hospital visits I have had. But I knew she needed to see me, her only daughter. So, I mustered all my strength, took hold of my husband's hand and faced my demons. She lit up like it was Christmas. We took her a chocolate frosty from Wendys. I know. Not very healthy, but when you are 83, chocolate is one of the few pleasures you have left. We also brought her some new clothes. She had lost quite a bit of of weight. She jokingly said that soon she would be as small as me. So,I told her if she wants to look like me, she needs to start lifting weights...which is somewhat difficult right now. We laughed. I did her fingernails and we all gave her lots of hugs. Sometimes, the hugs are really the best medicine especially when they come from a thirteen year old grandson. I think she will be in there for a few more weeks, so if you find yourself in The area..drop by the Bon Secour and give her a hug...and if not, please consider visiting another place such as this. There are lots and lots of elderly out there that would benefit from the power of a visit, the power of a hug.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Walk 632 Miles In My Shoes
If you know me, you know I absolutely love my Sketcher's "Shape Ups". They are the only shoes I've worn that haven't given me a problem over the years. With bad feet, bad knees, and a bad back, I need a reliable walking that doesn't cause additional injury. I worn them all. With shape ups, I can see the results. These shoes, they work for me. Over the past couple of days, I have realized that I may overestimated my poor little shoes. After all, I've been really hard on them this past six months. I honestly believed I would reach my thousand mile goal (and beyond) wearing the shape ups I got for Christmas.

Thursday, June 16, 2011
Carnival Duty
Thursday turned out to be a pretty full day. I managed to get in a decent workout before I had to head to the school. I upped my weights today. It was time. The smaller dumbbells were getting too easy. Anyway, my arms have been sore all day. I've been told that sore is good.
I had popcorn duty at the school's carnival today. For two tickets, you bought a small bag of popcorn. By the time my shift came around, they had run out of the normal pre-printed popcorn bags. We made an assembly line of parents/volunteers. Some created new bags by tearing and folding those brown paper lunch bags. Some filled them. Some took tickets.
It felt a lot like what we go through every year with the holiday luminaries, the ones that light up our neighborhood on Christmas Eve. One person folds bags, one fills with sand, one positions along the sidewalk, and the last goes around lighting the candles,
No one seemed to mind the odd homemade popcorn bags at bit. One thing is for sure, that popcorn must have been tasty. By the end of the day, even after we had completely run out, kids were still coming around tickets in hand, saying "May I please have a popcorn?" Yes, they were that polite. Amazing isn't it?
Surrounded by the fluffy treat for two hours, I began to wonder...just how nutritious is popcorn? Its just corn, right? Maybe with some salty butter flavored seasoning sprinkled on. How many calories are we really talking about? Well, today we used those oil poppers like the ones they have in the movie theater. I'd say each bag was approximately 2 to 3 cups filled (they were small bags).
What I discovered is...that whole grain popcorn I look for in the grocery store? As it turns out, its not really special. Popcorn is traditionally a whole grain food. Its a high-quality carbohydrate source that is not only low in calories, but also a good source of fiber. And popcorn is low in calories. Air-popped popcorn averages only 30 calories per cup. When oil-popped, it averages 55 calories. Three cups of popcorn counts as 1 ounce equivalent whole grains.
Whole grains contain the entire grain kernel (the bran, the germ, and the endosperm). Refined grains have been milled, a process that removes the bran and germ. Milling does improves shelf life, but it also removes dietary fiber, iron, and many B vitamins. Whole grains, like popcorn, keep their dietary fiber.
Whole grains, according to studies, may help reduce the risk of developing heart disease, cholesterol, diabetes, obesity and certain cancers. They are low glycemic carbohydrates, which means lower blood sugar and less insulin production. What does fiber do? What you notice at first is that it makes you feel fuller faster. What you don't see is that fiber actually grabs onto toxins as it makes its way through the digestive system.
So, the bottom line of all this is popcorn is a good healthy treat for the whole family as long as you stay natural and keep away from all that butter and salt. Don't worry. You can do it...with just a little bit of willpower. Before won't want to add all that extra stuff. You will learn to enjoy the flavor of this naturally healthy snack food.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Just Me And My Shadow
This morning started off like any other day. My husband tried to sneak in a few extra minutes of snooze time, but I said, "No problem, Sweetie. You can make the bed all by yourself." That always gets him up.
I got dressed, did a little personal hygiene and headed downstairs to turn on the coffeemaker and feed the cat. When I went to open the front door, I felt a cool refreshing breeze. Its been so hot and humid lately, it took me by surprise.
So, after the boys left for school and work, I grabbed my phone and my iPod and went for a walk outside. I was anxious to walk before the inevitable heat and humidity arrived. I was halfway down the street before I realized I had forgotten to bring my pedometer. But it didn't really matter. I knew the path well. I have taken it many times in the past.
It funny how walking this particular path is really no longer a challenge to me. I walked the treadmill all winter at an incline. Maybe I am ready for new paths, new adventures. Maybe I need to go further, faster, up new hills. I like the idea of discovering new places to walk. I like that I have grown as a walker. I like the fact that my knee doesn't give out nearly as much as it used to. I like the fact that folks who drive the same route to work every day remember me and wave.
Sometimes I get so wrapped up in the music, I don't even notice the cars speeding past. I'm in my own little world. Just me, Pink, Katy, Gaga, and others singing and walking to the beat of the music. I walk until I come to one of those crosswalk buttons. I press the button, look both ways (I almost got hit last year by someone turning right on red, even though the crosswalk light said I could walk), and I move out at a brisk pace.
Today, while I was walking, I looked down and saw my shadow. It was just like one of those Fun House mirrors, the ones that distort your image...make you either super fat or super thin. It made me laugh. I'm 5 feet 4 1/2 inches tall and my shadow thinks I'm one of those long legged supermodels. Hey, the way I see it, we should all own one of those skinny mirrors.
My neighborhood walk is four miles at best. So, once I got back home, I hopped on the treadmill and did another mile at a little faster than a 15 minute an incline. I did 50 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 butt lifts, and no less than 300 repetitions of my weights (I did a few kettle bells lifts too). I probably could have done more ( I never work up a sweat when I walk outside), but I had errands to run.
I was on my way upstairs when my husband called. He needed a number out of our home phone book. Just as I was getting ready to give him the number, he got a call and had to go. I stood there waiting. Should I go ahead and shower or wait? I decided to wait. But while I was waiting, I drank a big glass of water and knocked out 50 more push ups. Eventually, he called back. I like doing push ups when I have time on my hands. Sometimes, I do them during commercials. I mean, you can only take so many trips to the bathroom. And I really don't have a need to visit the refrigerator every time there is a commercial break. What else am I going to do...fold laundry? Ugh...I do enough of that.
I had to run a few errands after my shower. A trip to Target was in order. My husband likes to take those low calorie microwavable soups to work for when he's too busy to get out for lunch, or when lunch becomes his gym time. If I don't buy him something, he might just skip lunch. I don't like him to skip lunch. I mean, I don't eat a lot of big meals but I eat something every two to three hours. After I got all I needed from Target, I headed home. But then I realized, I had forgotten paper towels. So, I passed the turn off for our house and headed to Costco. By this time, it was nearing noon. I usually have my Chobani yogurt with bear naked granola around noon. Here I was doing what I always fussed at my husband for doing...skipping a meal. And besides that, I was breaking the cardinal rule..."Never go to Costco hungry." Yes, that is too a rule. If you go to places like Costco, Sams, and BJs hungry, you always end up buying more than what you came in for. In the end, I did pretty well. But best of all, I remembered the paper towels.
Finally home, I was able to have my yogurt. Today, I chose pomegranate. I love retirement. Its nice when the only real decision you have to make is which Chobani Flavor to eat. Maybe I should have another...for my shadow. She's looking pretty thin. : )
I got dressed, did a little personal hygiene and headed downstairs to turn on the coffeemaker and feed the cat. When I went to open the front door, I felt a cool refreshing breeze. Its been so hot and humid lately, it took me by surprise.
So, after the boys left for school and work, I grabbed my phone and my iPod and went for a walk outside. I was anxious to walk before the inevitable heat and humidity arrived. I was halfway down the street before I realized I had forgotten to bring my pedometer. But it didn't really matter. I knew the path well. I have taken it many times in the past.
It funny how walking this particular path is really no longer a challenge to me. I walked the treadmill all winter at an incline. Maybe I am ready for new paths, new adventures. Maybe I need to go further, faster, up new hills. I like the idea of discovering new places to walk. I like that I have grown as a walker. I like the fact that my knee doesn't give out nearly as much as it used to. I like the fact that folks who drive the same route to work every day remember me and wave.
Sometimes I get so wrapped up in the music, I don't even notice the cars speeding past. I'm in my own little world. Just me, Pink, Katy, Gaga, and others singing and walking to the beat of the music. I walk until I come to one of those crosswalk buttons. I press the button, look both ways (I almost got hit last year by someone turning right on red, even though the crosswalk light said I could walk), and I move out at a brisk pace.
Today, while I was walking, I looked down and saw my shadow. It was just like one of those Fun House mirrors, the ones that distort your image...make you either super fat or super thin. It made me laugh. I'm 5 feet 4 1/2 inches tall and my shadow thinks I'm one of those long legged supermodels. Hey, the way I see it, we should all own one of those skinny mirrors.
My neighborhood walk is four miles at best. So, once I got back home, I hopped on the treadmill and did another mile at a little faster than a 15 minute an incline. I did 50 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 butt lifts, and no less than 300 repetitions of my weights (I did a few kettle bells lifts too). I probably could have done more ( I never work up a sweat when I walk outside), but I had errands to run.
I was on my way upstairs when my husband called. He needed a number out of our home phone book. Just as I was getting ready to give him the number, he got a call and had to go. I stood there waiting. Should I go ahead and shower or wait? I decided to wait. But while I was waiting, I drank a big glass of water and knocked out 50 more push ups. Eventually, he called back. I like doing push ups when I have time on my hands. Sometimes, I do them during commercials. I mean, you can only take so many trips to the bathroom. And I really don't have a need to visit the refrigerator every time there is a commercial break. What else am I going to do...fold laundry? Ugh...I do enough of that.
I had to run a few errands after my shower. A trip to Target was in order. My husband likes to take those low calorie microwavable soups to work for when he's too busy to get out for lunch, or when lunch becomes his gym time. If I don't buy him something, he might just skip lunch. I don't like him to skip lunch. I mean, I don't eat a lot of big meals but I eat something every two to three hours. After I got all I needed from Target, I headed home. But then I realized, I had forgotten paper towels. So, I passed the turn off for our house and headed to Costco. By this time, it was nearing noon. I usually have my Chobani yogurt with bear naked granola around noon. Here I was doing what I always fussed at my husband for doing...skipping a meal. And besides that, I was breaking the cardinal rule..."Never go to Costco hungry." Yes, that is too a rule. If you go to places like Costco, Sams, and BJs hungry, you always end up buying more than what you came in for. In the end, I did pretty well. But best of all, I remembered the paper towels.
Finally home, I was able to have my yogurt. Today, I chose pomegranate. I love retirement. Its nice when the only real decision you have to make is which Chobani Flavor to eat. Maybe I should have another...for my shadow. She's looking pretty thin. : )
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Where Everybody Knows Your Name

Eventually, I joined the Army, and if there is one thing the Army enforces, its regular visits to their dentists. For years, I saw a different dentist every six months. That is until one day, in January 1990, on the rifle range in Korea, an empty shell casing shot back to hit this particular left handed firer right in the mouth. It loosened my front tooth and forced me to the dentist in advance of my regular six month cleaning appointment. A dentist by the name of Dr. Houston spoke to me like the one from my childhood. He made me feel special, and because of that, I trusted him to practice on me. He closed my gap with a new procedure called bonding and gave me something I never had before, a real reason to smile.
In the Army, changes of station are common. Before long, I left Korea for Fort Huachuca, Arizona. Within a couple of weeks, I was in the middle of Operation Desert Storm. Just prior to another deployment (to Mogadishu, Somalia), I developed a slight stain on my bonding, a stain which forced the dentist there to literally scrape away most of the bonding work Dr. Houston had done. I was in my own personal hell. I covered my mouth with my hand whenever I spoke.
But then I heard Dr. Houston had also been assigned to the same base. He was appalled at what had been done. Within hours of him finding out, I had an appointment to fix the bonding. I cried. I was so happy, I nearly hugged him. That was 1993. I've had several dentists since then, but none I treasured as much as Dr. Houston.
That is, until now. These days, my whole family goes to Dr. Eric Vasey in Woodbridge. When you walk into the office, you literally feel like you are visiting friends. Its like that cheers song, you know? "Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name, and they're always glad you came."
I can look back and remember some pretty horrible experiences with my teeth, but I know they are in the past now. I never have to dread or even fear a visit to my dentist. I hear there are people in the world who have such a fear of dentists, they request something called sedation dentistry. They actually let you sleep through the entire appointment. I don't get it. Why would anyone want to sleep through a dentist appointment? I love going to my dentist. Its always a good experience. We chat about the kids and what they are up to. We joke about one day becoming "long in the tooth". Of course, this is all between intervals of scraping, cleaning, and examining, but doesn't hurt and I know its all worth keep my teeth and gums healthy, to keep my smile. And you know what? I really like my smile.
Its been a long time since those walks to the neighborhood dentist, but I don't miss it. Maybe, its because, at Dr. Vasey's, I don't just feel like a patient. I feel like part of a family. Now, all I have to worry about is brushing, flossing, and marking my calendar for the next visit. See you soon.
Monday, June 13, 2011
What Am I Supposed To Do Now?
Its a Monday morning and, like other weekdays, I am set on a path I actually find myself missing over the weekend...the path of the goddess of fitness. Hey, Rosanne Barr once called herself a domestic goddess in her stand up comedy act. Can't I be a "fitness goddess". I have found that despite any whining I may encounter along the way coming from the direction of love working out. It makes me feel strong and youthful, something every woman steadily nearing the big five-oh wants. Just two years and two months to go.
Today is maid day. Thanks to a recommendation from someone dear, I now have a maid service that I like. So, after my workout and subsequent shower, I began straightening the house. I know...I know...why am I straightening the house when the maids come today? Simply put, they cannot clean what they cannot get to. What I do is just prep work. I picked up books and papers that were laying around, put away all the laundry, cleaned the kitty litter, and put the stacks of clean sheets on the beds for them to make. I cleaned the refrigerator yesterday, not because they wouldn't but because I was bored.
Then I waited. I checked my "Facebook" page. I updated my calendar. I made a protein smoothie. I filled in my food and exercise log book. Remember the log book? Water...decaf coffee...Protein drink with fruit...Then, at the bottom of the page...walked 5 miles, 300 weight repetitions, 100 sit ups, 100 butt lifts, 50 push ups...still not here.
I thought, okay...what am I supposed to do now? So, I thought I'd make myself useful. I went up and made the beds. Then, I did a load of laundry. At first, I thought I had my days mixed up. As I sat and ate my Chobani Vanilla with bared naked granola, I was beginning to wish I had not already cleaned the refrigerator. I started to wonder how many calories I was missing out on losing by having this maid service. Should I stop the service? No Ma'am! Get that thought right out of your mind! This is a good thing and you know it. It helps you loads. It even helps the economy. And with this service, you have time to enjoy working out and blogging...being that goddess of fitness.
Eventually, they walked in the front door ready to clean. Belong long, they were everywhere scrubbing, dusting, vacuuming, etc...The furniture is moved around. Cleaning supplies are everywhere. I have to close my eyes and breathe deep. My Obsessive Compulsive tendencies are kicking in. The smell burns my nose. In the background, I hear the mop being sloshed around in the bucket.
Still, I feel a bit guilty not helping them. Maybe, I should leave for a while so I'm not just sitting here. Do I need any groceries? Where is that Kohl's 30% off coupon? Just what I need...more shopping. The dryer just beeped. My sheets are done. Thank goodness. I can fold. At last. I was beginning to worry what kind of mischief the devil was going to find for these idle hands. You know? Like on line shopping. : )
Today is maid day. Thanks to a recommendation from someone dear, I now have a maid service that I like. So, after my workout and subsequent shower, I began straightening the house. I know...I know...why am I straightening the house when the maids come today? Simply put, they cannot clean what they cannot get to. What I do is just prep work. I picked up books and papers that were laying around, put away all the laundry, cleaned the kitty litter, and put the stacks of clean sheets on the beds for them to make. I cleaned the refrigerator yesterday, not because they wouldn't but because I was bored.
Then I waited. I checked my "Facebook" page. I updated my calendar. I made a protein smoothie. I filled in my food and exercise log book. Remember the log book? Water...decaf coffee...Protein drink with fruit...Then, at the bottom of the page...walked 5 miles, 300 weight repetitions, 100 sit ups, 100 butt lifts, 50 push ups...still not here.
I thought, okay...what am I supposed to do now? So, I thought I'd make myself useful. I went up and made the beds. Then, I did a load of laundry. At first, I thought I had my days mixed up. As I sat and ate my Chobani Vanilla with bared naked granola, I was beginning to wish I had not already cleaned the refrigerator. I started to wonder how many calories I was missing out on losing by having this maid service. Should I stop the service? No Ma'am! Get that thought right out of your mind! This is a good thing and you know it. It helps you loads. It even helps the economy. And with this service, you have time to enjoy working out and blogging...being that goddess of fitness.
Eventually, they walked in the front door ready to clean. Belong long, they were everywhere scrubbing, dusting, vacuuming, etc...The furniture is moved around. Cleaning supplies are everywhere. I have to close my eyes and breathe deep. My Obsessive Compulsive tendencies are kicking in. The smell burns my nose. In the background, I hear the mop being sloshed around in the bucket.
Still, I feel a bit guilty not helping them. Maybe, I should leave for a while so I'm not just sitting here. Do I need any groceries? Where is that Kohl's 30% off coupon? Just what I need...more shopping. The dryer just beeped. My sheets are done. Thank goodness. I can fold. At last. I was beginning to worry what kind of mischief the devil was going to find for these idle hands. You know? Like on line shopping. : )
Sunday, June 12, 2011
"I Got Lured"
"Annie: Millie, you've got to stay out of the clubhouse. It'll just get everybody in trouble.
Millie: I got lured.
Annie: You didn't get "lured". Women never get lured. They're too strong and powerful for that. Now say it -- "I didn't get lured and I will take responsibility for my actions".
Millie: I didn't get lured and I will take responsibility for my actions.
Annie: That's better". ~ Bull Durham 1988
Okay, "Bull Durham" is one of my absolute favorites when it comes to movie quotes. If you haven't seen it in a while, watch it again and you'll understand what I mean.
The other day, I felt just like Millie. I wasn't strong and powerful. I lured. Not by a handsome minor league baseball player, but by a commercial with Kim Cattrall. You all know Kim. She's been around for years, from her early roles in movies like "Police Academy", "Big Trouble in Little China", "Mannequin", and "Porky's" to her most recent work in "Sex and the City".

I honed in on the real butter, and tossed it in the basket. But then, thinking of the commercial, I also picked up the "I can't believe its not butter." There were several to speak, but I grabbed the original. I'll admit, its full of those unpronounceable chemicals I try to stay away from. But hey, to quote Millie, "I got lured." So, I ended up heading to the checkout stand with both.
This morning, as my husband was heading out to mow the lawn, I asked if he wanted a piece of that delicious low calorie whole wheat cinnamon toast I bought. He said sure. "Do you want the real butter or the fake butter?" Surprisingly, he answered, "The fake." So, we had "I can't believe its not butter" on each of our 80 calorie pieces of raisin toast. And you know what? It wasn't bad. It was actually quite tasty.
It you ever get lured like me, and well...refuse to take responsibility for your actions, here's how they compare (1 tbsp serving size). That way, by reading this have at least become a more informed shopper...however impulsive you may seem. : )
Real Butter Fake Butter
Calories 100 70
Total Fat 11g 8g
Sat Fat 7g 2g
Trans Fat 0g 0g
Polyunsaturated Fat 4 g
Monounsaturated Fat 2 g
Sodium 95mg 90mg
Cholesterol 30mg 0g
Vitamin A 8% 10%
Omega 3 ALA Not listed 460mg
Ingredients of Real Butter: Sweet cream, salt, milk
Ingredients of Fake Butter: Vegetable Oil Blend (soybean oil, palm oil, palm kernel oil, canola oil), water, sweet cream, buttermilk, salt, mono and diglycerides, soy lecitin, milk, potassium sorbate, calcium disodium edta, citric acid, vitamin A palmate, beta carotene. (note: Gluten free).
Maybe its not so bad to get lured now and then.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Time To Catch Up On Those Exercises I Missed
What a crazy couple of days I've had. My husband spent the morning with the doctors. I had no idea what to expect, but I cut my workout short to only my walk because I was "on call" to come pick him up. He never called. He drove himself home. I could have worked out longer had I known he didn't need a driver. But, I didn't give him a hard time. He had had a bad enough day without adding a nagging wife to the mixture. Instead, I suggested he go down in the basement where its dark and cool. He needed his rest. After sending a couple of emails, he passed out and slept for several hours.
Our youngest came home from school. Now, his normal routine is to grab snacks and go down in the basement to watch television and do homework. I stopped him at the door and told him dad was sleeping, not to go downstairs. He didn't complain. It was going to be a good night...the 8th grade dance.
Before I dropped him off at the dance, my husband and I went back and forth with what to make for dinner. I never really want to eat heavy on hot days. We've had several of those lately. In my mind, I was imagining Panera bread's new Strawberry poppyseed salad. Its 340 calories of total yummy and its back for the season. Instead, I kept quiet and asked him what he wanted. He was sick and I thought it should be his choice. Turns out, he had the same idea. He suggested Thai food, which he knows I love. Then we talked about just staying in and making parmesan chicken with Barilla plus pasta, but it seemed way too heavy, too filling. I wanted light food. Just thinking about pasta made me feel bloated.
Since he was feeling a bit better after the long nap, we opted not to cook anything. Instead, we let someone else cook. We went to the VFW and ate. They serve dinner on Friday nights. I ordered Salmon cakes, green beans, and sauteed veggies. My mom used to make salmon cakes when we were little. Sorry mom, but these were better. My husband? He was a bad boy, had their fried chicken. Since I was still in my "take care of the wounded husband" mood, I let it slide. I don't even want to know how bad that fried chicken was for him.
I picked up our son from the dance later in the evening and we were in for the night. We had to get up early this morning for scout leadership training. While he was a training, we had breakfast at a restaurant we've been going to for years. Its home cooking at its best. If I had any complaints, it would be that they never have fruit or yogurt on the menu. So, I ordered a very tasty omelet with spinach and feta cheese, with wheat toast on the side. He had the pepper, mushroom, and cheese omelet. Instead of the normal home fries, we both ordered grits. We had the same discussion we always have when we order grits..."What exactly is a grit?" Well, in the end, neither of us could finish. I only took a bite or two of the grits. The omelet had filled us up.
We still had tons of time before our son's class ended, so we went to a movie. Full from the breakfast, we passed by the snack stand without getting anything. We saw "Super 8". It was excellent even at the high ticket price...IMAX matinee $11.00 each. Four thumbs up... (we both loved it). Super 8 is one of those movies where as soon as it is over, you want to see it again. I told my husband I thought our youngest should see it with his friends. Whatever you do, don't wait for the "on demand" or DVD version (though I know we will buy it later). This movie is meant for the big screen.
Its been a busy weekend and its only Saturday. But I'm home now and I have no excuses. Those exercises I let slide because I was on call to drive yesterday? I can do them now. I'll head down the basement and knock out my routine...push ups, sit ups, weight reps, and those ever popular butt lifts too. I think I am going through an early change of life, but in a good way...with stronger arms, tighter abs and a tinier tushie. : )
300 repetitions of weights, 50 Push ups, 100 butt lifts, 100 sit ups... done. : )
Our youngest came home from school. Now, his normal routine is to grab snacks and go down in the basement to watch television and do homework. I stopped him at the door and told him dad was sleeping, not to go downstairs. He didn't complain. It was going to be a good night...the 8th grade dance.
Before I dropped him off at the dance, my husband and I went back and forth with what to make for dinner. I never really want to eat heavy on hot days. We've had several of those lately. In my mind, I was imagining Panera bread's new Strawberry poppyseed salad. Its 340 calories of total yummy and its back for the season. Instead, I kept quiet and asked him what he wanted. He was sick and I thought it should be his choice. Turns out, he had the same idea. He suggested Thai food, which he knows I love. Then we talked about just staying in and making parmesan chicken with Barilla plus pasta, but it seemed way too heavy, too filling. I wanted light food. Just thinking about pasta made me feel bloated.
Since he was feeling a bit better after the long nap, we opted not to cook anything. Instead, we let someone else cook. We went to the VFW and ate. They serve dinner on Friday nights. I ordered Salmon cakes, green beans, and sauteed veggies. My mom used to make salmon cakes when we were little. Sorry mom, but these were better. My husband? He was a bad boy, had their fried chicken. Since I was still in my "take care of the wounded husband" mood, I let it slide. I don't even want to know how bad that fried chicken was for him.
I picked up our son from the dance later in the evening and we were in for the night. We had to get up early this morning for scout leadership training. While he was a training, we had breakfast at a restaurant we've been going to for years. Its home cooking at its best. If I had any complaints, it would be that they never have fruit or yogurt on the menu. So, I ordered a very tasty omelet with spinach and feta cheese, with wheat toast on the side. He had the pepper, mushroom, and cheese omelet. Instead of the normal home fries, we both ordered grits. We had the same discussion we always have when we order grits..."What exactly is a grit?" Well, in the end, neither of us could finish. I only took a bite or two of the grits. The omelet had filled us up.
We still had tons of time before our son's class ended, so we went to a movie. Full from the breakfast, we passed by the snack stand without getting anything. We saw "Super 8". It was excellent even at the high ticket price...IMAX matinee $11.00 each. Four thumbs up... (we both loved it). Super 8 is one of those movies where as soon as it is over, you want to see it again. I told my husband I thought our youngest should see it with his friends. Whatever you do, don't wait for the "on demand" or DVD version (though I know we will buy it later). This movie is meant for the big screen.
Its been a busy weekend and its only Saturday. But I'm home now and I have no excuses. Those exercises I let slide because I was on call to drive yesterday? I can do them now. I'll head down the basement and knock out my routine...push ups, sit ups, weight reps, and those ever popular butt lifts too. I think I am going through an early change of life, but in a good way...with stronger arms, tighter abs and a tinier tushie. : )
300 repetitions of weights, 50 Push ups, 100 butt lifts, 100 sit ups... done. : )
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