Sunday, December 11, 2011

Veggie Night

Sorry I'm so late with the blog today.  The Pats game just ended...another win.  It was a close one.  I held my breath...a lot.  I said a lot of prayers as well.  I think, sometimes, my husband is surprised at my level of enthusiasm when watching football.  I'm not.  I'm not the woman I once was.  You might say I have a new found appreciation for athletics and athletes.
We were very good today.  We made good choices.  My husband made us small cream cheese omelets for breakfast.  Then we headed out for some last minute Christmas shopping.  I believe we are pretty much done now.  As soon as we got home, I wrapped the presents.  Wrapping Christmas presents is like folding laundry fresh out of the dryer.  It relaxes me.  Its a good thing because unwrapped presents tend to attract the eyes of curious gift recipients.  The worst of all is my husband.  He is such a kid at heart.
During the football game, we snacked relatively healthy on whole wheat crackers and roasted red pepper hummus.  I had a protein drink, with blueberries and a banana.  For dinner, we've decided to make the vegetable lasagna we had in the freezer.  The label reads 280 calories per serving.  Each package is said to contain 5 servings but, we've had it before and its more like 6 or 7 servings.  If you have a Wegman's nearby, you need to try this stuff.  For frozen lasagna, its really tasty.
Tomorrow, my husband heads out on another of his work trips.  Whenever he goes away, I like to have just veggies for dinner.  Sometimes, I just microwave one of those bags of veggies.  Sometimes, I have those individual servings of broccoli or peas.  If I have hummus, I use sliced peppers, cauliflower or carrots to dip instead of crackers.
When I was young, I could not have told you what a cauliflower even looked like.  I remember eating peas and carrots, green beans, black eyed peas, lima beans, succotash, collard greens.  We ate a lot corn but , my maiden name was "Mays" (Maize).  We ate corn on the cob, off the cob, and creamed.  I never had spinach as a kid and now, its my all time favorite.  Though I never them in my youth, I now love eggplant, asparagus, artichokes, squash...  I like okra but, only in my gumbo.  As a matter of fact, about the only vegetables I still say no to are brussel sprouts and beets.  Potatoes?  Well, I do like sweet potatoes.  I have a weakness for sweet potato french fries.  As a kid, we stuck to the vegetables that either came in a can or from a TV dinner.   If we were lucky, we'd get some from my Grandma's garden but, one thing is for sure...we never ever had a meal of only veggies.  Vegetables were merely a side dish, something to make the plate more colorful.
I don't know where the rule came from that you had to have meat at every dinner meal.  I like having a dinner meal of solely veggies.  You know what?  My body does too.
Tomorrow morning, I get back to my normal workout routine.  I wonder how many days it will take me to make to 1500 miles.  My current plan is to stop blogging when the kids get out for Christmas vacation.  That gives me two weeks to reach my new goal.  Yes, even though I won't be blogging about it, I will continue to work out well into the new year.  I hope you will as well.    

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