Monday, December 12, 2011

A Pear By Any Other Name

After my workout this morning, I sat down and wrote a letter to my mother.  She likes it when I write.  She has difficulty hearing when I call.  Letters are better.  At first, I wrote long hand.  It wasn't long before that became difficult for me (carpal tunnel).  Nowadays, I do all my letter writing by computer and I insert photos throughout.  This morning, I put in a few extra photos.  I hope it makes her smile.  I wish I could visit more often.  Live sometimes gets in the way.
Later on, my Stepdaughter and I went over to Costco for some essentials.  While we were there, I saw that they had pears.  I love pears.  The whole family does.  Sometimes, when you get them, you have to let them sit a while.  But, if you have patience, they are totally worth it...all sweet and tender.  They are loaded with fiber too.
When I was a kid, I hated pears.  Why?  Well, we had a pear tree in our backyard.  My brother used to climb up on top of the back house (formally a garage) and call me outside.  When I came out to see what he wanted, he would pound me from above with those hard as a rock pears.  I was absolutely covered with pear shaped bruises.  Needless to say, I learned very quickly how to catch things being thrown at me.  I'm left handed but, I can catch with both hands.  And I can catch anything from baseballs to sets of keys.  It doesn't really matter.  Throwing?  That a different story.  I've never been much for throwing.  Probably because I never really had a need for it.  I couldn't for the life of me climb up on that roof without assistance and my brother wasn't about to help.
I read this link (see below) that said pears were a member of the rose family.  I guess a pear by any other name would taste as sweet but you know what?  I really wish my brother had lobbed roses at me way back when.  They'd have hurt a heck of a lot less.  Then again, had he thrown roses, I guess I'd a had to of dealt with those ornery thorns.  Maybe I just should have just learned to climb up on that roof.
I bet I could do it now. 


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