Even before I could have a say, my hair was a subject of conflict in our household. My mother was intent on growing my hair to my knees early on. Then, one weekend, my grandmother had it cut and permed as a way of defying her. As far as I know, my mother never forgave her for that stunt.
I, like most other women, have changed my hairstyle over the years for one reason or another. In high school, I had the Farrah Fawcett cut. The summer before I joined the Army enlisted, I went short. It had to be above the collar of my uniform and the short style was easier than having to constantly pin it up. As it grew out, I tried perms ("big mistake...huge"). When I was in college, I tried going blond. I even tried a shag. Later, I just chopped it off and left a rat tail. Let me tell you, that was a big hit in my National Guard unit. : )
As a young officer, I had a bob for a while, but in the end, I went short again. Later, an actress friend of mine (Jeanmarie Simpson), actually used one of my old post baby short hairstyles when she was looking for something new for her one woman play, "Coming in Hot"
http://cominginhotplay.blogspot.com/, based on the book Powder: Writing by Women in the Ranks, from Vietnam to Iraq (which I have a story in). http://www.korepress.org/cominginhottourpage.htm
http://www.amazon.com/Powder-Writing-Women-Vietnam-English/dp/1888553251. I saw the play in Tucson. She was amazing...by the way.

Well, I started to grow it out a second time, but soon decided it was time to go simple. Over the last few years, it has gotten shorter and shorter, layers, even bangs.
Lately, when I go to my favorite stylist (who happens to be a close personal friend), I just ask for "workout" hair and she knows exactly what I mean. At this point in my life, I need it to be easy to style, and easy to manage. I keep it clean. I use gentle shampoos. I make sure I get enough vitamins and nutrients, so I don't lose too much of my hair. When I first started losing weight, I lost hair. I lost a lot of hair. I learned how to unclog a sink (something every military spouse eventually learns) so as to keep up with my constant shedding. It wasn't pretty. http://www.holisticonline.com/remedies/hair/hair_loss-nutrition.htm
My battle of late...to grey or not to grey, that is the question. I'm not going to sweat about it (because stress can cause hair loss too). Besides, I am fortunate. I'm just your average everyday "run of the mill" lady. The paparazzi aren't chasing me around taking pictures of my latest haircut.
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