Yes, believe it or not, sometimes even a Fitness Goddess makes poor choices. Last night, I made three. We went to over to our extended family's home for a barbecue. As usual, they went out of their way in the hospitality department catering to those of us trying to stay on the health track. I have given up on foods that seem to irritate my digestive system, such as beef and pork. While most were to enjoy thick and juicy hamburgers, they bought me a fabulous salmon burger. If you've never had them, they were absolutely yummy. Where I screwed up? I ate mine on a white bread bun. I didn't have to. It was a conscious bad choice...and not one I normally make. I suppose I could have ate my salmon burger without the bun. I didn't. As my stepdaughter says, "I am over it." After all, I did have loads of veggies with it.
Even before we left the house, I was making bad choices. I was at the store when my husband called me on my cell phone. "Pick up some 7 up for your drinks." Soda? Me? I know. My rule is...No soda, diet or regular, unless it is a mixer. Did I have to have a Seven and seven? No. Did I even have to have alcohol? No. But I did...light on the Seagram's and heavy on the soda. Again, I am over it.
But, perhaps the worst choice I made all evening was having a decadent dessert. It is a rare occasion that I allow myself to have a non-healthy dessert. I always say no to birthday cake. I usually say no to pie (and I love pie). Usually, if I have dessert, its consists of sugar free jello with a little whipped cream on top. I had no excuses. I had a taste of what I brought (a red velvet cake roll), a taste of what a dear friend brought (cake with vanilla pudding, whipped cream and berries, and I even have one chocolate covered can eat just one). I was naughty. But, that was yesterday.
Today is a new day. When you make less than perfect choices, and fall off the healthy wagon, you have to get up, brush yourself off, and move out with a positive attitude. You have to accept yourself for who you are. What is that? Uh...human. You have to get over it. Otherwise, you fall into the "I am a failure" mentality. Do not do that! Occasional bad choices are minor, part of life, and easy to overcome like driving around a pothole in the road.
One easy way to make yourself feel better...go grocery shopping. Make a game out of locating healthy products and trying them. I did. And I found these! Just 27 chips per 110 calorie serving in the sour cream and onion flavor, 30 chips per 110 calorie serving in the sea salt flavor. I mean, who doesn't have a craving for salty goodness now and then, right? Mmmm.
Now, I am on the hunt for the "who nu?" cookies. The website says to check Shoppers grocery store. They have a bit more sugar than I like, but they might be a healthier option for my teenager. He has an addiction to Oreo's. Hey, who can blame him? Oreo's and Silk soy milk...yum. I know...I know... You like real milk. No worries. To each, his/her own. Me? I have a soy milk mustache.
I'm not going to torture myself for bad choices I may have made. The past is past. Its not healthy to dwell on it. After all, I did walk eight miles yesterday. Today, I am back on track. But, just to be safe, I did 50 extra weight repetitions, and 50 extra push ups. My arms are sore, but I feel great. Have a healthy day today. : )
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