I woke up this morning with a general blah feeling. Sore throat, stuffy nose, watery eyes, and achy all over. I felt it coming on. I knew my husband had given me his cold. I guess it was inevitable. I was able to sleep in. Fortunately, the kids had another snow day. I slept until 0800hrs, then rolled my tired body out of bed. I hadn't slept well the night before. But I had things to do. I couldn't stay in bed all day. Honestly, who can?
My first thought was that I could sweat it out. So, I got dressed in my work out clothes, and went downstairs to hit the treadmill. I have to admit after five miles on the treadmill, followed by a hot shower, I felt a little bit better. I was at least well enough to run the errands I couldn't escape.
The snow was still coming down, so we rushed out the door. I really hate driving in snow. In and out, I told my son. We get what we need and get home (I sounded just like my husband). But, in rushing out the door, I forget to wear a hat. Big mistake when you have a cold. I was breaking all the "get well rules of engagement".
What are rules? Well, most common colds last one to two weeks. And germs are difficult to avoid when you spend time around other people. I used to stay sick when I was substitute teaching.
One should dress warm, continue to exercise but at a slower pace, get plenty of rest, sleep well, and hydrate. Some things that help are green tea (has antioxidants) and honey (anti-germ), Garlic (anti-germ), and old faithful...chicken broth or chicken soup. And avoid second hand smoke. I like to drink small glasses of orange juice mixed with emergen-C orange flavor. Less juice means less calories. I drink three spread throughout the day.
Though I felt horrible in the morning, my immunities are stronger now that I'm healthier. My husband swears I won't get sick, that I'm in too good of shape to get sick. We'll see. For now, I have a glass of orange juice with my name on it.
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